
That still doesn't mean that he chose Ben. Richard wasn't taking orders from MiB, because he knew who he was. He was taking orders from Jacob. Time traveling Locke was the one who told Richard that he (Locke) was special, which he believed because of the way he was treated by the Others due to his miraculous

Thanks for the correction. Still don't think he was Libby's husband.

As someone who watched the original run and went on the boards obsessively after each show, I can tell you that at the time, there was great speculation that Anthony Cooper was the original Sawyer. For those of us who had guessed it long before the reveal, "The Brig" was just confirmation of what we pretty much knew.

What? I never heard that. I think Dave WAS MiB, which is why he tried to convince Hurley to kill himself. One less candidate.

I don't think we know that at all. Ben became leader after Widmore disgraced himself. I always thought that Richard anointed Ben, after instructions from Jacob. There was no indication that all those years, Richard was being fooled - he knew the difference between Jacob and MiB. And Ben never even thought he spoke

I don't think Jacob caused Nadia's death; he was simply there for Sayid at a terrible time in his life, as he was for Sawyer and Hurley and Kate.

There was a very good reason for that uncomfortable reaction. The entire thing was improvised by Dean. The script said, after Massey's rebuke of Dean, that Dean should turn and walk away. Instead, Dean performed the brilliant end to that scene that is in the film, where he embraces Massey, sobbing. Massey, who was

Don was paid $6.5 million - cash - for half of his ownership stake in the company. They all were. Well, except Joan, who apparently had a smaller ownership stake and received only $1.5 million for half of her ownership stake. They each got this cash and they got to keep half of their ownership in the company. So

"You're ruining my life!!!" LOL

You're the second commenter I've read who's said this and it's wrong - Don did not lose all or even most of his money in the divorce. He got $6.5 million as his share of the McCann buyout, and, as Megan noted just last week, "When I met you, you were already a millionaire." So although Don has plenty of problems,

That doesn't absolve MJ from responsibility. You could shove a 16-year-old boy at me, naked, 100 times a day, and I wouldn't succumb to temptation. Because grown people aren't supposed to have sex with children. Even if the children, or teens, are the sexual aggressors. And the parents? Again, adjoining cells.

I know. The man was an absolute viper. I am no MJ apologist, but I actually felt bad for the guy that night. It was so obvious that he had been fooled and taken in by someone who pretended to be friendly. The man had no ethics whatsoever. You don't try someone on national TV. As a journalist, your task is to

Ironically, if he had gone to prison, he'd still be alive.

Actually, I thought MJ and the parents of those children should have been in adjoining jail cells. What kind of parent lets their kid go on sleepovers with a guy in his 40s? Forget he's Michael Jackson. Your kid comes home and says, "Mom, you know that guy down the block who is addicted to plastic surgery and is

Martin Bashir is a bottom-feeding pig who got MJ to open up to him and then stabbed him in the back, all to further his own career. I'm not defending what Michael Jackson did to those kids. That is a different issue. But the way Bashir got his story was a step above the National Enquirer. And that's not

But at the last minute Chris Hardwicke said, "…and another special guest you won't want to miss." But we've been warned that next week will be bloody and sad, so there could be multiple deaths. Norman Reedus is also a guest on the show next week.

Well, I'm past needing them, but when I still menstruated, I loved them. Used the Instead disposable ones. Public restrooms were never an issue for me, because you can leave them in for 12 hours. Even if you did have to use a public restroom, you could empty the cup into the toilet and wrap it in toilet paper.

Infuriating? Really? You found me saying that I didn't want to spend an hour chopping vegetables for a supposedly pre-prepped meal infuriating? You might want to look into some anger management classes. But kudos on name dropping the hip put-down of the day. I can only imagine your shock and dismay at having to

I did Blue Apron for a few months. The quality of the ingredients and recipes were top-notch. But your review is a bit misleading. Ingredients are pre-measured, but not pre-chopped. In fact, I found there was quite a bit of chopping and prep to be done - usually about an hour's worth. Now, that's not much to have

He wears them when he reads throughout the series.