And she did a double take when she heard him steal her words :(
i don’t give a flying fuck about his strategy. i hope he rots in hell and never get even a sniff of a comeback.
Just finished reading the NYT article. The three journalists (one of whom also broke the Weinstein story) include quotes, dates, and photographs of the women, who all use their full names.
Having said that, who keeps a series of public appearances on the books when they know they are about to receive some kind of major (almost certainly negative) press of an undisclosed nature?
How would this be an ambush, though? As mentioned elsewhere, the Times would have called him for comment. I’m also seeing on Twitter that other people in Hollywood have been contacted by the Times over the past couple of weeks. I think he at least has an idea what the subject of the story is.
He’s not so far. He was in the same movie as Dustin Hoffman and Anna Graham Hunter, the 17-year-old Hoffman harassed. The worst that’s said about him is that he listened while Hoffman said something disgusting, and the only other reference to Malkovich account is positive. I’ve read elsewhere that he’s a good guy, so…
I bet a woman said that to him after he did something horrible
It’s not an ambush - the NYT would have called his camp on all of the pieces they’re about to report. They KNOW the substance of the story given what he’s been asked to confirm or deny.
WHERE THOSE APOLOGISTS AT? What was that again about Jezebel rumor mongering and dragging a good man down and there haven’t been any “real” accusations?
Why would anyone think a loving homage to Woody Allen movies is a good idea?
Jesus, the most disturbing thing about that article is that the mothers of a couple of the girls seemed to think that it wasn’t just OK, it was flat out great to have their teenage daughters “courted” by 30something Roy Moore.
Anna, we know you’ve been working on this story for fucking ages and even through the NYTimes is breaking it, I’m sure your diligence and professionalism laid the groundwork. Just know that we see you and appreciate you.
Here is the plot for Louis CK’s disgusting new film in case anyone still has any doubts about him:
Yeah, as if the NYT didn’t call his camp for comment ahead of publication. They know exactly what it’s about.
in case the story is “damaging,”
My father was a pariah on my block growing up because he refused to use weed killer on the yard since his children played in it so much. Our weedy yard made the block look bad and presumably lowered property values or some such shite. You don’t know suburban white people if you think landscaping issues aren’t tackle…
People still talk about things like checking on each other’s houses when they’re out of town. And really, if they just didn’t happen to see much of each other, wouldn’t that be what people would say rather than that they hadn’t spoken inyears ?
Not speaking to someone who lives immediately next door to you and who works in the same general profession for years? I might buy it if they lived in condos in a large city, but in suburbia, that’s an admission that these two hate each other.