EVERY FUCKING DAY with these people. Aside from cynical responses about having a more stupid electorate, I honestly can’t fathom WHY this is being proposed outside of trying to offset the tax cuts rich people are in for.
EVERY FUCKING DAY with these people. Aside from cynical responses about having a more stupid electorate, I honestly can’t fathom WHY this is being proposed outside of trying to offset the tax cuts rich people are in for.
What’s even worse is that it’s common for the tuition waiver to be multiple times the pay. When I was in grad school my tuition waiver was 2-3 times my income.
I mean, even if for some reason you absolutely despise poor people and minorities, does that really mean you are willing to destroy your own country and your life along with it? And if so, shouldn’t you be institutionalized?
To be fair, Britain let plenty of certified egotistical nutcases simply inherit the power.
I get why the Republicans are pushing it. It’s the billionaires themselves that I’m criticizing here. To be that greedy and that cruel in a way that doesn’t even really have any net positive effect on their own lives? That is literally some kind of insanity.
I will never understand the short term thinking of anyone who supports these ridiculous tax proposals that funnel even more money to the rich.
YES!!! Read this twitter thread for someone’s own story on this specific issue:
Every time I think we have a monopoly on stupid politicians I read your posts and remember we learned it from you.
According to this Slate article, Jell-O seems to have hung on in Utah because of larger families and lots of kids which aligned with the marketing targets over the last few decades. Probably peaked around the 2002 Olympics with the pin.
I met my boyfriend and a lot of my current friends on meetup.com, a website to find friends and common interest groups. But the one group i met my friends through was one group run by this woman who shelled out all these MLM groups while running the group with people who were trying to find friends. She would “invite”…
Sure, then they’re being swindled into working part-time for below minimum wage pay.
So it’s not just doubleplus good but tripleplus good?
Exactly this. BFF grew up in a very wealthy family but married kind of a deadbeat and got involved in an MLM after her parents cut her off and she realized she wouldn’t be able to maintain her lifestyle on her teaching salary, with an unemployed husband and two kids. She ambushed a group of us one night with a…
They are basically Garanimals for adults. They put crazy patterns and colors together in layers, then top it with what look like housecoats and try to convince you it’s fashionable
When I was in high school I was the editor of the yearbook, and we still had a lot of ad space to sell before our deadline so we were all at school late one night cold-calling businesses in our town. While we were taking a break, we happened to pass the library and saw this older (70ish) woman sitting by herself with…
Yep. Especially when you consider the last scandal Lularoe just had was about how fragile they are and how sometimes they rip the first time you put them on. Consultants were sharing posts about how to delicately hand wash them and air dry them and only use certain products and I’m like FUCK no. If you can’t be washed…
$25 for the standard ones but the holiday and limited ones can be more. And then there are all the shirts and dresses and things that ostensibly go with them (but don’t really) that are more.
I’ve never purchased any Lularoe, despite loving leggings for home lounging, because of the damn pricing. I already have adorable, soft, comfortable, patterned leggings that have lasted multiple seasons now that I love. Where’d I get them? Family Dollar. For $9-$12. In Plus Sizes too. And there aren’t any special care…
One of these days I’m going to hit the Jello Belt jackpot and find a family with daughters named LuLaRoe, doTerra, and Noni.