
please ship 62lbs of this to my UPS box immediately

The fact is that a majority of Americans favor some form of gun control. The problem lies with the NRA and a greedy, craven GOP.

When there’s no trigger to be pulled, these questions are easier to ask.

Suicide statistics show that access to a gun absolutely increases the chance of successful suicide. In the same way, access to a weapon is part of the reason these attacks are successfully committed.

Call me crazy but I like Stove Top stuffing. Not for Thanksgiving but as a side for a weekday roast chicken, etc.

I just made some homemade stuffing for a pre-Thanksgiving feast and it was good. Similar to what the author posts but I didn’t use any eggs.

It is amazing just how many New England staples cannot be found outside of Patriots Country, the revelation of which fact can drive people to madness.

Or so I tell myself when I’m paying a premium to have Amazon ship me Rosetto’s ravioli*, or getting Ah-So sauce from a Bostonian friend via care package, or trying to

Gun laws and measures like buybacks work. Do you seriously think there were less guns owners per capita in Europe and Australia before they adopted stricter gun laws? Nonetheless their laws have curbed gun violence.

I’ll tell you what, though, Stove Top’s Savory Herbs stuffing is easily the best out there to put into a really lazy meat loaf. Doesn’t hold a candle to Alton Brown’s meat loaf recipe, but it’s not too awful for a minimal effort dish.

That’s predominantly true for hoarders, who only make up 2% of gun owners, but own 50% of all guns in America. There’s no reaching these people, those guns are their fetish - part of the family.

“alluding to”, not “eluding”

This is all so gross. Everything she’s doing is gross.

It’s Texas, pretty sure the term “gun free zone” doesn’t exist there.

Something seems shady about her story and her motivations. If not shady, at the very least selfish. It appears self serving. Also, thanks for the help in helping the Dems going into the mid term elections, Donna. It seems your need to tell your “story” precedes our nation’s need of getting the GOP out of power and

That was Correa that got engaged at the World Series. Verlander and Upton did indeed get married in Italy this weekend.

Yeah, and really who cares. Seems like every old white rock star was a sex offender, yet we’re terribly offended by this kid egging a house and peeing in a bucket.

Selena’s kidney right now

What Oprah should get her is a Net Jet card so Gayle can live that private jet lifestyle without the ongoing maintenance costs. It’s only practical.

The fact that the former presidents are either inadvertently or purposely mean girling 45 makes me smile for a moment. If I had more skill I would edit the “you can’t sit with us” to have the presidents’ faces.

“after Justin began courting Selena a few months back when she had her kidney transplant.”

Why Selena, why???