She shills for Jim Beam, not Jack Daniels.
She shills for Jim Beam, not Jack Daniels.
Really, how DOES one manage to make a glittery pointy stiletto heeled boot ugly?... By making it shapeless and puffy and lumpy. Sob!! How can people DO that to shoes?!? Shoes deserve so much better. I want to hold a memorial service for these poor misbegotten things.
Alec Baldwin has a pathological history of abusive behavior where the automatic “go to” is to insult, demean and blame the victim. This allows abusive people to continue their abusive behavior without shame, remorse, guilt or accountability.
Mostly I’m mystified as to why these jeans are being called “acid wash.” Girl I was a teen in the 80s and I LIVED THAT SHIT. Those are just plain ol’ light wash. Acid wash is a whole other [much more hideous] thing.
They look hideous on both women!
Worn with 1986's jeans, no less! Christ, what a cheap and hideous look.
Ugly disco ball boots
Yes, I’m sure the only thing standing between you and graduating from Yale Law at 21 was your lack of one acting parent who’s been out of the limelight for decades and another, estranged parent who’s a sexual predator with a sideline in directing.
I hate to break it to you but I think the reason you didn’t make it in human rights law isn’t your lack of privilege but rather the weakness of your arguments.
Right, because everyone would graduate university at 15 if only they had rich, well connected parents.
Unpopular opinion: I was visiting my mom during the peak butterfly migration season. Butterfly’s are just bugs and if there’s a lot of them it’s not whimsical it’s kinda gross.
Or 2:24 could refer to the verse in Genesis:
Years ago, I worked for a hospitality company that had dealings with Spacey (can’t go into more detail w/o doxing myself & others). The company eventually banned him as a client because he was aggressively sexually harassing both customers & staff, both verbally and physically.
Nope! You seem not to believe any sexual harassment that includes touching happens at work, which is wrong. Besides which, I’ve heard first hand stories about Spacey for years.
“...anyone who puts their hands on you must assume you’re into them or that something is going on to warrant any an act of touching”
You’ve got to be trolling here- the shit happens in everyday life everywhere. Kitchens, offices, schools, banks, EVERYWHERE. No, I did not ask the 40 year old chef to grab my fucking ass when I was a 19 year old waitress. I did not ask him to rub his crotch up against me on the line everytime he had the chance. There…
You’re so naive
I was at the grocery store once, looking at bread. I had a coupon so I was trying to find the brand I had the coupon for. This man next to me said, “Hello there, can I help you?” and I said, “Oh, yeah, I’m trying to find this bread” and he points it out to me. I said thanks and went to leave and he goes, “oh wait, can…
Yes, people DO put thier hands on other people completely unwarranted and unprovoked. It happens all the time. You realize you are being a complete idiot right now? Perhaps you should listen, listen to women’s stories of men grabbing them and groping them, instead of claiming something never happens just because it…
This is so not true. He’s a powerful actor and probably assumed everyone wanted him. The story this told was of a guy very low on the totem pole who undoubtedly feared for his job. No victim blaminng.