
This is such a perfect quote. I’ve heard from a lot of people that tall is considered attractive in like the same regard one would hold a handsome face, which is always such a weird concept for my brain. I can get how it’s a biological plus, but “attractive” in the same way someone finds a face attractive is foreign

What a confusing photo. What time is it? Is that bubbly leftover from last night? Is it a dancey brunch situation with the coffee AND bubbly? What is even going on?

I had no idea he was considered handsome until I read the article. I knew people found him sexy, but... The last time this happened was with Adam Driver. With Goldblum, I can see it now. Driver, not so much.

there is a growing segment of the population (at least in my circles) that seems to handle grief terribly.

I blame the other celebrities, either for being horrible or for being boring. I think Weinstein and the related fallout have chilled a lot of pap walks, thirsty instagrams, and twitter feuds.

HOW can Selieber be the top of every DB? Almost worse than Karshian kar bombs.

I don’t really care whom Selena Gomez fucks/gets fucked by, but girl you are too good for Biebs.

Also known as the “Fuck You, I Got Mine” Act of 2017.

Domino’s completely redid their pizzas a few years back and they’re honestly knocking it out of the park. I try not to order pizza more than once every six weeks but I’ll admit to having the Domino’s app on my phone for when it’s time to order. Which is usually when I’m on the train getting home late. Being able to

I have been getting the Brooklyn crust pizzas ($7.99 for a large!), and it really is quite decent. Dominoes used to be famously abysmal. The turn around is so pronounced, so counter to my lived experience, that I literally gasped when I saw it at the top of the rankings. I can’t think of another food chain that’s

Serious improvement. I was shocked when I had it after probably a decade of not eating it.

I mean, there are probably always better pizza places in your area to go to, but I’d say that if you’re hungover or still drunk at 1am, or buying a ton of a pizzas for a party, Dominoes is probably your best option. They really did a lot to improve the flavor.

The fact that you think this is at best what a diner can be tells me you’ve never been to one in NJ

It’s a prime example of cognitive dissonance.

I just lost it to my friends about the 401k thing. Yes, I know it’s a privilege to even be able to complain about taxes in relation to a 401k. The blurb I read said they want to encourage people to save more by increasing the cap for roth contributions while also lowering the cap on pretax contributions. Who the fuck

Or the “Say Goodbye To Your Deductions For 401k Contributions, Mortgage Interest, Student Loan Interest, and State and Local Taxes... In Fact Just Resign Yourself To The Fact That You Will Never Retire And When You Are Carried Out Of Your Job In A Pine Box When You Die On The Job Your Paycheck Will Be Calculated To

Thunder still going strong. There is also the NJ Jackals an independent team that play in Little Falls, NJ. They started in ‘98. 

The guy from Philly, where cheese whiz is a delicacy, is talking down to the state with the nation’s highest population density.

The whole of Camden is just kind of a bummer :/

This one time, when I lived in Philly, I got on the wrong ramp and ended up going over the Franklin Bridge into Camden, New Jersey. Then I had to pay a toll to go back across. That’s right, they make you pay to leave New Jersey. Money well spent.