YOu are my twin. I absolutely think pop (sorry, I’m from the midwest we say pop ) + breakfast sandwich is the way to go. Coffee goes good with a sweet breakfast like a muffin or donut.
YOu are my twin. I absolutely think pop (sorry, I’m from the midwest we say pop ) + breakfast sandwich is the way to go. Coffee goes good with a sweet breakfast like a muffin or donut.
That’s what I was going to say. Many of the women who’ve spoken up Weinstein make up my list of “I always wondered whatever happened to her.” Ie: Lauren Holly.
Had a classmate in highschool who struck out for hollywood conviced the casting couch didn’t exist anymore. I didn’t have any evidence to at the time prove how naive she sounded. I’m glad folks are more vocal right now. These sh*t birds need to get what’s coming to em’
When men open a sentence with “unequivocally” I’m like “Hmmm?”
(a show which, incidentally, revolved around a click of piggish Hollywood males)
Piven definitely did it. It’s not news to me that he’s a creep. I remember Debra Messing saying that when he guested on Will & Grace, instead of doing a fake acting kiss, he’d shove his tongue into her mouth every take. Fucking asshole.
It kind of is, in this case, as it revolves around the fact that her stepfather molested her, they lived together in the same house, and he threatened the power to send them away (as their legal guardian) if she didn’t acquiesce. That’s public knowledge in court records. Her exact name is not, and should not be.
Technically both he and Biebs have writing credits. I’m sure Beib didn’t write a word. But he claimed to Ryan Seacrest that the song was “definitely about someone in my past[.]”
Tom Brady is too stupid to live.
You should google Anthony Rapp real quick.
Didn’t Justin write Love Yourself about her? About how she’s so shallow and used his fame and his mom never liked her and she likes everyone. That’s never get back together behavior right there.
I wish the wording in the linked article wasn’t “her brother walked in on them having sex”. Shouldn’t it be “her brother walked in on his sister being raped?”
Or his hair. His awful, awful hair. He looks like a convict that got his hands on some contraband peroxide.
why not both?
Hannah! You missed this one! File this under ‘Stevie Wonder could have seen this one coming’.
“He hopes to regain her trust so they can get back together.”
Oh man, Selena’s gonna look back on her 20s and her Justin Bieber years one day and think, holy fucking shit, I can’t believe I dated that loser.