
Here’s what I know. As a NYC native I have people all over Twitter & Facebook telling me how if only NYC didn’t have such lax gun laws this could have been prevented. I also love people who hate my hometown pretending they now give a shit about us godless heathens who welcome gays and them foreigners to work and live

Exactly. All this “it wasn’t sexual harassment - there was never any touching involved” or “I was never in a position to affect these women’s careers so it couldn’t be sexual harassment” (when in fact it was sexual ASSAULT) piss me off to no end😠

I can’t agree with you more. THAT KIND of Bernie Bro (#notallberniesupporters don’t @ me) made me want to pull. my. hair. out. I know gaggles of them (I consider myself left, many consider me centrist or conservative, which is another fun form of sexism to get into at another time). The sad thing was they were much

“I don’t grope people anymore. I don’t expose myself anymore,” he said by telephone. (Also well-documented is his history of exposing his genitals in public and on stage.) “I do understand that the temperature in the world right now is delicate.”

People like Weinstein, Toback, and Weiseltier know what they did is wrong. That’s part of the reason they do it. They know that it makes people uncomfortable and they get a thrill from it. And Mark Halperin too; you don’t fucking rub your erection against 8 women and somehow think that’s okay. You do it because you

you’re fucking shaken because finally you’re getting called out on it. Fuck right off.

I can see that you’re struggling, so here are some training wheels:

Listen, don’t impugn Netflix’s brave, brave stance regarding a show that has run its course and has been getting objectively dumber over time.

Remorseful how when he has assaulted people for twenty years straight? What is remorse to you? Saying that you are sorry because it looks like another revenue stream is about to close and then immediately proceeding to sexually assault another person?

I love the “it was never my intention” phrase so many are using. “I just wanted to touch you/grab you/lewdly proposition you... it was never my intention that you be all offended by it.”

Nothing about this guy?

And there is it.

YOU GUYS ARE MISSING THE BOAT ON THE LA MUSIC SCENE. The Gaslamp Killer, Matt Mondanile and Alex Calder all got dropped from their gigs and labels in the same day earlier this month after people (finally) started speaking up about their transgressions. It’s been a fucking nightmare going out and having to listen to

And Harry Knowles! And Devin Faraci!

The men who harass and demean women know exactly how wrong it is

public figures who have been dogged by misconduct rumors for years

Re: Wieseltier and Landesman, they know better than to call these accusations “pathetic lies.” Wieseltier, in particular, knew there was only one apology he could possibly pen and he nailed it. But that’s what makes it all the more demoralizing for me, as a woman in the academic industry. The men who harass and demean

“I do understand that the temperature in the world right now is delicate.”

He’s had mental and substance abuse problems for years. I’m not trying to excuse him, he’s lost multiple friends in Comedy/Acting due to his behavior over the years which he has repeatedly seemed to not care to change. He made John Lovitz so mad, John Lovitz hit him. (Had to do with Phil Hartman’s death.)

Don’t forget Andy Signore, the creator of Screen Junkies!