
I appreciate how Bobby Finger felt he needed to take a shot at Kristen Bell for making her daughter happy, but didn’t feel like making any actual effort when writing the copy and instead just chucked in a generic ‘attention whore’ jab. He did a half-assed job of mocking a person for going above and beyond. Well done,

I used to black out regularly, my drinking was, how you say, a problem? And yet, I never hit on a child!!! It’s just crazy.

So much for his isolated drunken night incident.

It was those posts that moved me out of Spacey fandom. I realized that the thing I liked about him— that ability to project bland menace—is part of his actual predatory behavior and it got ickier to watch.

Yes and even before Kevin Clash, I am so old I remember that Allan Ginsberg fucking reveled in this rationale & was a huge supporter of NAMBLA.

“Open secrets” tend to come out in comments sections on gossip blogs, particularly when they run blind items. Gawker was once a good source for this. OhNoTheyDidn’t was too. Lainey Gossip may still be.


I hate the “I don’t recall” nonpology too. It means 1 of 2 things, either I do remember it but I refuse to admit it or I really don’t remember this specific incident because I do/did that sort of thing all the time. At least be honest enough to actually say that.

Lol, Kevin spacey doesn’t give a damn about the struggles of the average gay man, otherwise he wouldn’t have spent the last few decades so far in the closet he was in Narnia

It really is. Last year I was accidentally in the area during my neighborhood’s store to store trick or treating for kids (I don’t have kids and didn’t know it was happening that day or I would have chosen another route) and there were approximately ten million little Elsa’s out and about.

Yep. Very very bi. Also very very into people in my own age range-men or women. And that range has changed as I get older. Funny how that works. Barry legal makes me *cringe* no matter who they are.

As the rationalization goes, having a kind of gay mentor/guide can be very helpful to young boys who are becoming sexually aware while being forced to remain closeted

Shame on Kevin Spacey for using his homosexuality to condone assaulting a minor. Equating homosexuality to the abuse of minors is exactly the image the gay community has been fighting against, and the image that homophobes have been using against them. As someone who now openly identifies as a gay man, he should know

So basically, Spacey’s need for privacy was a big pile of Bullshit.

I think Spacey might have a tougher time shaking these allegations than the directors who often get away with it. Why? Because he’s IN FRONT of the camera. You can (I can’t!) watch a Woody Allen film and forget a pedophile is directing because he’s behind the scenes. Out of sight, out of mind. I don’t think you can

To paraphrase a guy in the HuffPo comments section, “I’ve been very very gay. I’ve been very very drunk. Neither has ever resulted in me making a move on a 14 year-old.”

I’m 30 kinds of disgusted by Kevin Spacey today, and for once it’s not because of his doughy physique on House of Cards. First, thanks for tangling up being gay with preying on young boys. Because no one has ever conflated those two before, making life hard for gay folks. Second, you’ve been in the glass closet for

Pedophilia /= homosexuality and I’m mad as hell that Spacey is trying to cop out of being a pedophile and an assaulter by saying he’s gay and drunk. I have been drunk while being gay and I have never assaulted or harassed anyone. GTF outta here.

Must our collective cynicism extend to Kristen Bell? She’s so amusingly pouty in the photo, come on, does that not warm one’s stoney heart?

Kevin Spacey and his antics has been an open secret for years. He needs to go away!!!!