
I had wondered why I saw less and less of her even though she’s a very good actress and I thought she’d be an A lister.

“There’s also a frightened little girl in there.”
Ew. You just know he’d rolled that image around in his thoughts for a while.

It doesn’t really matter if they are valid or not. That’s an issue to be litigated in court. And he has a lot more money and resources to fight a legal battle than even the most famous actress.

After seeing the photo of Stephen Seagal nonchalantly grabbing her 16 year-old breast, I now understand why her mother insisted on being on set with her. She was difficult bc they tried to prevent people from assaulting her.

Daryl Hannah’s is the one that made my hair stand up: he got a key. It sounds like some of the women he attacked didn’t answer the door and snuck out via another exit or had the time to call someone to come over, but the thought that you believe there’s a locked door between you and an attacker and then abruptly HE’S

The “difficult” moniker becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy: actress booked in nice hotel. Actress begs showrunner for a different down-low location. Doesn’t say why. showrunner thinks fucking high maintenance actress...

Sciorra’s account was HARROWING. I cried.

Makes me question the rumors about Katherine Heigl being difficult.

How many actresses women have had their careers derailed because of sex perverts?

Men of Hollywood: What could we have done? Who could we have told? We had nobody to actually go to! See? We couldn’t actually do anything.

Weinstein, they allege, highly influenced the tabloid press and would threaten smear campaigns.

These are all horrific, but her story and Lysette Anthony’s are the ones that make me feel like curling up into the fetal position; he fucking battered his way into their rooms.

And you know those assholes knew exactly what the “difficulty” was. She didn’t get arrested for anything on or off a set, never stopped production and I haven’t heard her co-stars say anything about her so what, exactly, could those execs think made her unemployable?More unemployable than, oh so many men with laundry

Annabella Sciorra’s story gave me the chills, the hair on my arm is literally standing up. Fuck everyone who is getting ‘tired’ of the #metoo stories.

How many actresses have had their careers derailed because of sex perverts in the film industry not getting their way? I mean, I could name a lot of actresses who were big names for like a minute then - poof - never saw them again. Now it all kind of makes sense. Just horrible.

To rape apologist assholes who whine,”Why didn’t you come forward when it occurred?” They didn’t even go to the police and look what happened to their careers.

Couldn’t anyone go to Disney who owned Miramax? What is their culpability? Disney also owns ABC News where Mark Halperin worked and the sexual harassment cesspool that is ESPN. What does this say about the lack of oversight by Disney?

I’m interested in people’s answers to Tarantino’s rhetorical question: “what was I supposed to do?”

Quentin Tarantino could have done something to help Daryl Hannah and he chose not to get involved. Piece of shit.

Annabella Sciorra’s story is absolutely terrifying. It sucks that she can’t prosecute. Weinstein deserves to be in jail, no question.