
“I also want to say that I am outraged as well by the attorney for the detectives really trying to demean and denigrate this teenager by trying to project images of her or trying to question her behavior,” Treyger said. “That is completely irrelevant to what transpired that night. And this is what makes it so

Did they even file proper charges and present evidence for her arrest or was this kidnapping in addition to rape? It should become a felony even if the person verbally “consents” and maintains that after the fact. That the victim is saying she didn’t should make this a clear cut case. But our shit justice system is

In any case she is a delight and perfectly cast.

....and apologized for it 23 years ago and never did anything like it every again? And although yes, he should have known better and it doesn’t make it right, he did it in conjunction with Goldberg (who he was dating) and her approval. It was a giant mistake all around, they both apologized and felt horrible.

I can’t even decide which character is my favorite, they’re all so good. Right now, it’s somewhere between Tahani, Jason and Janet. But I love Michael and Chidi too.

It took me two tries, but it got me. Especially Kristen Bell.

Can everyone please watch The Good Place? If it gets cancelled I’m going to be so sad. Its such a great show, now go catch up on Netflix!

Supposedly she wrote it but sometimes you just have to say, “Yeah, no, I’m not doing that, much as I love you...”

That’s *sort of* true, but not exactly. If you look at the Obama White House archives (available to the public online), you’ll notice there are references to NDAs throughout; they were common. You’re probably remembering the articles that noted that Trump tried to take it to a new level, by being the first president

I recall reading somewhere reputable that the 45 administration is the first time NDAs have been signed by White House employees.

At this point, I could hear any horrible story about almost any male in Hollywood and I’d believe it, a town of depraved souls.

As someone who has seen (and signed) many, many NDAs, I can say that Hollywood and Trump’s offices most definitely have them at the ready at all times, and that’s not a bad thing. There is zero percent chance you or I or anyone could get a job working on a movie, at a film studio, or in the White House without signing

Don’t assault them in the first place and don’t be a dick?

You know, as an employment lawyer, I recall that the EEOC takes the position that such clauses are not enforceable - when it comes to Title VII discrimination/harassment charges. Doesn’t mean that the silencer can sue and get a judgment against the silence-ee, but you have to wonder if public policy might not make the

As someone who has never even seen an NDA up close, I’m starting to wonder if Hollywood and some of Trumps offices have these things on the wall inside of towel dispensers?

Women are fucking DONE and I am delighted.

As a lawyer, I’m starting to wonder about how many NDAs like this are out there, and whether the lawyers who drafted them are going through some soul-searching right now. Plenty of them aren’t, but my guess is that a lot of them are.

Lest anyone not know this; Tales of the Gold Monkey (O’Heaney’s tv show) also starred Stephen Collins ...

That’s cause you’re lazy and boring and didn’t click on the link of the report this article is reporting on. But yeah let’s focus on that instead of a powerful man assaulting a woman. PRIORITIES.

I am both enraged at this story and incandescent with righteous glee that these motherfuckers are being dragged out to the bonfires by their shorthairs.