
If I have to read or see one more 1960’s so-called counter culture self-congratulatory circle jerk set to Creedence Clearwater Revival I will fucking scream. Yes, Vietnam was awful and there was much strife at home including the struggle for civil rights. But just as millions of people of a certain age claiming they

It’s even worse when you think that it seems like what he wishes didn’t happen was getting caught.

“I wish this stuff didn’t happen” because those assaults just happened, magically, all by themselves, with no input from you, right Bill? This is right up there with “mistakes were made”.

He really should revisit some of his old classics and give Bill O’Reilly leprosy

Are you still a furry if you’re a swan? Wouldn’t that be a feathery? (I’m sorry. I’ll see myself out)

“You know, am I mad at God? Yeah, I’m mad at him,” O’Reilly said on the latest episode of his web series, “No Spin News.” “I wish I had more protection. I wish this stuff didn’t happen. I can’t explain it to you. Yeah, I’m mad at him.”

Now playing

You’re right! He said it during a “debate” and didn’t give it the full graphics treatment. At least I know I haven’t been blind to egregious grammar violations for years.

Ah yes, as Epicurus said:

If only God had stopped Bill from being such a shit, then his children wouldn’t have tocsuffer through having such a shit for a father. Yup, logic checks out.

I would so love to see one of them come out and be like. Na dad, stop doing this.

Also he makes them sound like wee tiny innocent creatures. At 14 and 18, they know who their father is. And infinite numbers of sexual harassment lawsuits won’t hold a candle to the trauma of WITNESSING his violence on their mother in their home.

God gave you free will buddy. She told you the rules; you broke them. Stop blaming her for the shit you do.

That statement is weird. Why COULDN’T they kill him? And how “literally” dead would he expect to be, I wonder. Really dead, or really very nearly dead?

That was my thought too. His kids want to chuck him into the dumpster. I wonder if he blames God for that too?

Speaking as someone on a mission from [God(dess)]: shut the fuck up, Bill.

If Zeus is not real, who raped all those women while in furry cosplay? Wasn’t me!

At one point, he said of his adversaries, “If they could literally kill me, they would.”