
Courtney was one of her maids at the wedding even. I love the sisterhod on that show. The joint salary negotiations actually originated with the girls. Aniston was considered the breakout star and the emotional center of the show so she was offered more than the other two. They sat down and compared offers which was

Upon reflection...yeah, I feel kind of bad for that comment. But damn, girl. You know?

I thought we knew this already. Remember how strained their relationship was when they all appeared on Oprah? No?

I didn’t even bother clicking that link because I thought it was going to be about Adrienne Bailon (which like, also, who ??) getting the time wrong or something stupid like that, but then I saw your comment and was like hold up this binch ACTUALLY DOES NOT KNOW ??? HOW TO.... .. READ A CLOCK ?????

All I’ve ever seen of SATC2 was this weekend, when it was on Bravo (shady, Andy Cohen!), and in the scene, at brunch with all the girls, Carrie says to Samantha, “We aren’t all ‘our age’. You are ten years older than ‘our age’.”

A boss recently told me “you get along with everyone!” like it was a miracle. Um, that’s part of being a grownup. Working well with the stone cold b*tches and never having them know you can’t stand them.

Also, the woman is now in her 60s, and she’s been followed by that role for the majority of her career. Samantha jones’ characterization has always been the most one-note on that show, and also relied on a degree of ageism (im pretty sure her entire story arc in SATC 2 is that she’s going through menopause and her vag

Ruined his life. I mean, oy. It’s hard to feel bad for these folks, who had the kind of success most actors could only DREAM of, on a show that lasted many, many years and had high, high ratings.

I’m pretty sure both Lisa and Courtney were at Jennifer’s wedding to Justin. I don’t think any of the guys were invited.

CDAN says that Parker asked for silly money, studio said no, so she got her publicity team to create this’ Cattrall’s fault’ storyline.

Now playing

I...that lady doesn’t know how to read a clock. *deep breath*

The women are, the guys not so much.

Miranda was in two broadway plays AT THE SAME TIME when she was a teenager.

I share an office with a stone cold bitch this year. It’s bewildering. She is just really, really not nice.

I don’t understand why so many people feel they need to be real life friends with the people they work with. Every once in awhile there are some people I connect with and make the crossover, but it is pretty rare. Other than that, friendly professionalism is fine! Let’s just not be Facebook friends.

I know Lynn Cohen first as a New York actor who bounces in and out of the Law and Order franchises a lot. Sure she was Miranda’s maid, but I think she’s been able to break out a lot more because she wasn’t a principal. Kristen Davis has done some Hallmark movies because she can only be Charlotte now apparently. Kim

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The fact that Kim Cattrall doesn’t care for SJP (this isn’t the first disagreement they’ve had) is a fantastic example of Kim’s acting abilities. I’ve seen the whole series and first movie. They appear to be close friends on screen. Out of the four of them, Kim got the worst character with the terrible lines. She’s

It really is not that different from any other occupation when it comes to getting along with others. You may not connect with your cast mates in private but you better pull it off on screen.

Rita Ora.

I get that we tend to think that screenfriends and realfriends are the same, but they’re actors who were supposed to make us believe they were friends; it makes complete sense that they weren’t actually close. I’ve had coworkers on the Range of Friendship, but maybe 3 ever made it to “close, personal friend” level. I