
I’m not here to debate supposed facts and allegations of the case. I’m merely stating that given the circumstances, that are really shitty for the accuser or really shitty for Winston, given that he can’t actually prove he didn’t rape the woman, the countersuit will, in my opinion, just make him look more terrible.

As with many other commenters, I too hold a law degree, and this is just an embarrassment. There really is an attorney who will file any claim so long as they get paid . . .

Possibly. It’s not clear whether the 7 million figure was in consultation with Kinsman, or if the lawyer responded with it as a general answer; her answer was based on Winston’s people paying off the entire potential sum for a suit against not only him, but FSU and Tallahassee PD for their negligence/obstruction. That

That’s fair, but we do so much emphasis added here that it seemed worth pointing out I wasn’t the one behind the bold type (for once).

Does it? It looks like it presupposes that Kinsman has exhausted all her legal avenues to prove Winston at all culpable except for this one suit. It does maybe presuppose that Winston is an asshole defended by assholes. I suppose rapists are assholes too. You might think that means one is the other, but I couldn’t

Including you, apparently. None of his constitutional rights are implicated here - it’s a civil action, not state action against him. He’s not exercising any rights (aside from the right to sue).

Responding her lawsuit denying what happened would be perfectly reasonable. But huge chunks of this are just grandstanding nastiness of questionable admissibility. For more on that, I’ll defer to this comment which points out the problems very well:…

In hopes of a pay day?

Nevermind, I did the work for you.

1. Respectable attorneys do not write novelesque pleadings like this. Federal rules of procedure rule 8 requires the defendant state in “short and plain terms its defenses to each claim asserted against it”. I recall an attorney moved to strike a complaint because it was too verbose (yet still a fraction of Winston’s

So, I mean, I have a link showing her lawsuit is asking for $15,000. So, links or it didn’t happen?

Except he isn’t proving that he didn’t rape her. There are famous men that have survived being falsely accused of rape (Anthony Anderson, Chris Anderson). It’s a terrible situation but going ‘scorched earth’ will only make him look worse, especially as there is no smoking gun showing she lied.

it seems like you are clouded by your subjective and clearly biased female judgement

Wow, as an attorney, I'd be worried about getting sanctioned if I signed my name to that horse shit counterclaim.

Wow. Someone with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science could tear this to shreds. It’s just like Winston’s career: a lot of rah rah with little to no substance

Poor #1 NFL draft pick.

“A pay day”

Her attorney could move to strike almost the entire complaint. Almost everything they complain about is privileged communication; she can’t be sued for most of those statements EVEN IF THEY ARE DEFAMATORY.

His image has been tarnished? He was the number one draft pick and he signed an endorsement deal with Nike. Is he desperate for the Subway commercial?

This seems to be one of the few non-belgian waffle irons still being produced. I used mine on Saturday morning. Excellent waffle iron. I would highly recommend it.

This seems to be one of the few non-belgian waffle irons still being produced. I used mine on Saturday morning.