I am much more excited by the knowledge that I can open and close tabs with a three-finger tap. That is going to save me seconds!
I am much more excited by the knowledge that I can open and close tabs with a three-finger tap. That is going to save me seconds!
I agree, I find it very weird. Even worse, I had a boss once in a small business where his father also worked — and they had the same first and last name, but different middle initials. And they both went by Walter (the first name). No nicknames, no calling them by middle name, no saying Junior/Senior allowed. They…
Nice trolling attempt (the 9/11 bit at the end was maybe a bit much). Of course, the real money is for treating all the chronic conditions caused by diseases we can prevent with vaccines (a liver transplant and all the meds till you get one is way more money in the bank than a HepB vaccine series), so you might want…
He's clearly 10 times more sexist than he is racist. Still racist, but way way more into hating women.
I vaguely recall that Courtney's daughter is actually named Courtney, Coco is a nickname, and Courtney Sr (hee) says it's a family tradition going back several generations. (Personally, having dated a guy who was a Jr for many years, I think naming your kid the same or a very similar name to one of their parents is…
I wonder if the reality is that the blue and black dress pictured is actually physically sunfaded (which makes black dye that exact greeny gold color, and blue lighter), and then the camera/flash hijinks accounts for the rest? Because that still seems to light to be the royal blue and black dress shown in ads.
Pretty much all the emergency services do that, so I'd say anything military or paramilitary. As a firefighter, though, the running joke is that it's just so we don't have to learn or remember people's names.
They also are frequently subtly or overtly discouraged from going into those more lucrative specialties, and are far less likely to have a spouse who will financially support them and/or take care of those family responsibilities while they get that extra training. The cliche of a supportive wife putting her husband…
Does your parole officer know you are posting here?
I'm from Wisconsin, now live in NJ. My ex is a plumber who informed that the technical term for the water spout part of drinking/water fountains is, in fact, bubbler. Of course, it was invented by Kohler, from WI, so who knows which word came first.
I got "Form over quota, no results."
The only way the "my wife doesn't want me to do it" thing makes sense is if you believe the baseless speculation I saw someone throw out a couple weeks ago that Dornan and Johnson had a fling that ended badly.
No. If you think anyone is going to believe a fucking word that excuses this douchebag at this point, you are delusional. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit.
I have big feet, size 11 women's. When my fire company upgraded boots years ago, the equipment guy decided I was lying when I said I wanted men's size 9, and gave me men's 7s because I must have meant women's 9. It never occurred to me that he'd be such an idiot, didn't check, and wore them for a couple weeks in…
Anything goes (as long as the flavors are compatible)! Also, any liqueur works — Kahlua, Baileys, Creme de Whatever. Ice cream and liqueur were made for each other.
We learned about trichonosis in 4th grade science class, and right after that I saw an old Emergency! episode where a guy got it from eating bear meat. I did not eat any pork products again until I turned 16, 7 years later.
Is there something wrong with the entire other half of the color wheel? Who has dibs on purple, green and blue?
I think it means we tend to re-evaluate relationships when they are over, and it can be easy to discount the things you felt at the beginning, even if they lasted for years. All we remember is how much we don't love that person now. Honestly, it annoys me when I hear people claim they never loved anyone until their…
I'm going to guess that Leo has had sex with a lot more skanky randoms than Rihanna has.
Serious question, why on earth do you guys keep recycling posts? It just ends up confusing everyone, and causing people to reply to ages old comments. It's especially confusing when it's about tech-related items that change in the year or three since the original post, making the comments incredibly bizarre a lot of…