
maybe they should have blown some up?

the Israeli government nor the Israeli media nor the Jewish establishment calls for the murder of Muslim children. so no its not interchangeable unless you are referring the the fact that many Israelis are Arabs (Muslim christian and Jewish)

you are not the sane part of Israel, hes calling on Facebook to stop allowing people to incite murder of innocent people even children! the whole world should work for preventing people to incite violence against other people! it has nothing to do with left or right its just simple logic

there is a difference between the freedom of speech were you just say you dont like someone to calling for the murder of Israeli and Jewish children!

no, just the ones calling for the murder of Israeli children!

i think whats in beta mode is the sensors that prevent it from scratching other cars, my car can also scratch other peoples cars if i dont make sure that i have enough space to open it.

they are bad at hiding them...

so true!! before EVs my mom bladder lasted for 120km drives, way less then the cars battery, so we had to stop anyways to pee/eat.

for a hefty price!

the problem with the quick kill is that the spreed sheet makers think that a system that can do everything is the best system to spend the money on even if it takes 20 years to develop and billions to acquire.

borrowing!!! dont say pirating, that just makes it sound evil!

how american of them, to develop something so expensive just so it would cost a lot while you could get 80% of the capability with off the shelf civilian systems. the ship doesn’t need to be some special craft just one that is reliable and has range.

Iran just got 100 billion dollars and oil selling rites for billions more, we all know that the Iranian leadership isn’t keen on spending that money on welfare and (western) education. they will spend it on weapons and terror groups!

i’m thinking the same thing, 12 plains is nothing! i read once that Europe sent 6 plains to Poland and everyone was saying how amazing that was, and i was thinking that 6 plains cant do shit in any real conflict. i mean if the Russians invaded Poland 6 plains could lob like 6*8 missiles (in ideal situations) at the


more weight and then more fuel and then more engines and then bigger legs and then more weight and then more fuel... anything you add will mean you need to counterbalance that with something else.

price, m16s are free from america while the SMGs are not.

don’t they say generals are always training for the past wars and not the future wars? now you are talking like these generals! if we plan our next war with the tactics of the last one we will be surprised when our enemy attacks us in some new way, no ones dumb enough will use the tactics we know we can train for and

i think it would take alot longer to land, tie down, load patient, untie and take off the chopper then just winch him from the air.

it would be interesting to see what Turkey would do when Russia starts sending its naval fleets through the straits...