
nukes are cheap, you don’t need to send hundreds of fighters/bombers to attack a city, you only need one... so put into the calculation of the attack flight hours bombs and fuel.

we will know when we have them, not its still classified as scifi

help them settle someplace else, you dont want them coming to america!

you took someones text and turned it around and put your own meaning to it. he’s bashing the people fighting against self driving cars not the people that love cars and would want to drive there own car. i here so many people say that self driving cars is wrong because its forcing people that love to drive to stop

waited a long time for you to post this article. well two weeks to be exact.
the spike missile is called “Gill” except the NLOS version which is called Tammuz.

they have MGs for close range defense, anything else is is redundant.

i think the best way to wage war is to send the leaders of two countries to a 1 on 1 fight, that way the people that call on war are the ones to fight it.

Israel has bin using its spike family of anti tank missiles on navel vessels for some time now for the exact role. its very useful to have a small vessel be able to shoot at targets over 25 km from shore. hope the US learns from Israel and improves its smaller vessels attack capability with 25 km+ range missiles like


the test was on the landing of the first stage that would have burned up anyways on reentry .


you are... the fist stage is what trys to land and that only happens when the first stage detaches from the rest of the space craft.

there are 3 civilian companies developing and launching rockets into space, spacex is just one of them...

i think it would be a satellite dish, probably the bigger the dish you have the better the connection.

in Israel we pay 25 dollars for 100MB down 3MB up.
our cellphones plans are also cheaper we pay 15 dollars for unlimited call and text with 10 GB internet. we got this way because we actually have competition in thous markets...

can someone explain how leasing works in the military? i hear about it all the time, but i dont actually understand how it works for weapons.

i agree with you, but there is a difference between regular ordinance and cluster bombs in the amount of munitions that don’t blow up when needed, you may have hundreds of unexploded munitions in a few mile radius that act like mines while other weapons have a higher likelihood of working. so if there is a way to

the question is if the marines need to have a homogeneous air transport force or it can have a blend of aircraft. and as it seems (from the little knowledge i have) it seems that they marines want one aircraft to do all of the mission sets (if they could they would have the F35 move troops). on paper it seems a smart

the problem with your thinking is that there is no end to mission capability demands. we can spend a billion dollars on a system and it still wont meet our mission capability demands. you can have it fly 1000 miles and you will find a mission that you need 1010 miles, we need to decide how much we can spend on the

people are saying that the American military is shrinking and that they should stop this trend, i on the other hand think this is a good thing. i don’t get why the american people should be subsidizing their allies defense when their allies don’t even spend close to what the US dos on defense (per capita). just