
just the fact that you have access to a computer and internet says that you are above most of the people in the worlds economy level. you may not be rich in western standards you may even be poor in western standards, but you would be way richer than the 800 million people that don’t have water and food nor even

in the world of relativity you are the “rich people” living in giant houses using up all the water in a major drought! you should be complaining that the water isn’t prices so that people pay more the more they use, that way you would be glad that they are subsidizing the higher price it costs to desalinate water. we

water = energy = money.

most families in the world live in one room houses and don’t have running water or electricity running there non existing computer. so the fact that you are bitching about “rich people” while you living way above most of humanity is frankly dumb, get a life.

its an aircraft you can park at home, thats it. people are saying this is going to fail or should be outlawed are idiots. anyone using this flying car will have to have a drivers licence and a pilots licence. it will probably be in the ultralite category and will be used mainly for joy flying. many people in the

we have a long history of seeing good weapons on paper but crappy production models. lets wait a few years until we decide if its a good weapon.

perfect at not working!

read somewhere that they decided to stop developing fighter aircraft because ground to air missiles where to good... we are still developing aircraft that can still kick any ground to air missiles ass any day.

we are planing on sending our prototypes to fight wars!!!

the joke is lost in translation, it says “eeeeeeexcited to see you”

like like like!! i always wanted something like this!! i never understood why they couldn’t have a system that used both thermal and light enhancement cameras. both have overlapping advantages and disadvantages, when one is useless the other could be used to help see in the dark.

i like the idea that soldiers/sailors have to pay for there meal. the army/navy/air-force should pay the solder the price of the meal in the mess hall and the soldier should be allowed to decide if he wants to spend the money on a meal, where ever he wants and if he doesn’t want to eat he has more money to spend on

i think they would rather not kill there soldiers for cool effects...

The question shouldn’t be how he feels when someone burns the flag, the question should be how he acts when someone burns your countries flag. most people that are patriots would hate the people burning your flag but they wont go out of there way to kill the people burning the flag. there are Muslims that think that

i thought that the Draco engine on the space X crafts are 3D printed

those gloves are the second stage ones, they have thicker gloves over them. they also have a second stage boots that cover there feet

because he is sure that the government will do everything in there power to prevent them from reaching mars!!

its called an air conditioner!!! mine when running will make more then 4 liters an hour and it also cools down my house.

I just want to say something about California’s drought, it’s not an engineering nor a technological problem it’s an infrastructural problem.

What's nice about a cheap and simple COIN aircraft is that you don't need many when not at war because when you do need them you can make a lot in a short time. All the US needs is to maintain a small production and development line so that they don't lose their technical knowledge and construct the facilities to