
I don’t know if he ever actually played the role before, but in my mind’s eye, John Henry always looked like Michael Clarke Duncan.

I quit the internet forever. Goodbye.

“Why can you (say the n-word/dress in clothing from your culture) but I can’t?”

Could you imagine if black people went out every weekend and re-enacted the Haitian Revolution or if Native americans re-enacted Little Bighorn? White people would lose their shit.

This is related to “I don’t care if you’re black, white, brown or purple with spots...” That one kills me.


Consolation prizes to:

Damn. I’m sorry you had to deal with that but that was one of the best things I’ve ever read.

Yeah I said this on Facebook yesterday - is booing during the anthem somehow respectful?

Beautiful analogy.

In fact, if you wrap a puppy in an American flag and put it on top of a pumpkin-spice gift certificate to Starbucks and tell a white woman you’re giving it to a soldier, she will spontaneously orgasm.

I love actually watching the clips of players taking the knee while people boo. Because here these players are, being quiet, looking at the general directing of the flag, yet there goes white people, not having being quiet, booing over the music, making it difficult to even hear the anthem. Yes... let’s all remember

I kind of expected the article to be blank when I clicked the headline. It’s not but comes to the same conclusion. I was poor as a kid and for a long time we couldn’t afford the glasses I needed. Badly needed,i couldn’t see more than two feet away from my face. I got some eventually, probably through some charity that