Yes, because the children attending these schools totally chose where they live and what school they go to.
Yes, because the children attending these schools totally chose where they live and what school they go to.
Wow. Saying that to a public-school teacher takes some serious asshole bravado. That really sucks. You'd like someone could suggest they buy extra nice ones to increase the likelihood their kid will be coloring with Crayola and not those shitty Rose Art crayons.
Funnily enough, there were quite a few black people working for NASA during this period, but not in mission control. Because NASA had segregated work spaces in the south and Texas. So there was as entire team of human computers who were black women, but hidden away, not in the media, and they even had to use separate…
One can also buy in season and a little more locally. Although I do understand a big problem in the inner cities is just getting to a store that sells fresh produce.
Haha! Yessss. Sometimes the first sex scene is a good 80-100 pages into the book so by then you're invested in the damn thing. I'll stick to my highland warriors thankyouverymucb!
So it's become less of a Pussy Riot, and more of a Vagina Remonstrate?
Just more propaganda from these rabid Felinists. It's like there's one standard for them, and another standard for my Men's Best Friend's Rights group.
So if the husband dies does the best man take over for the rest of his term? Or is that the wedding DJ?
When we get past that big ol' gender wage gap, then the divorce law can catch on up to that.
The equivalent to what soup kitchens do would be something like "we'll pay for your water bill and here's a pamphlet on animal rights," not "I know you can't afford your water bill and are living in 3rd world conditions in the richest country in the world, now, go grocery shopping and buy all vegetables while throwing…
Have you been to Detroit? There are barely any grocery stores, in a lot of neighborhoods you have either a gas station or a liquor store that sells some groceries, but your options are extremely limited. The bus system sucks and is completely unreliable so it's hard to even get yourself to an area where there is a…
If you can't afford to pay your water bill it's unlikely you can afford to be a healthy vegan.
I did well, but that was because I was one of the lucky ones for whom the symptoms of bipolar disorder go away during pregnancy. They were ready to resume lamictal or find a substitute if symptoms either returned or got too bad, but it turned out all right. I was shocked though, and had thought I'd do horribly.
Drug use is neither moral or immoral. The symptoms of addiction may lead one to act against the prevailing moral code, but this is more similar to a compulsive disorder than it is a character failing. This is not an opinion or something than can be refuted with a "well, I believe...." counter statement. It is a fact,…
I understand they're not outlawing prescription meds (yet), but, considering the amount of tantruming required for me to get necessary meds during pregnancy, I have to wonder where it ends.
The thing is, the hysteria is not based in science. I'm on meds for migraines (read this as: if I dont' take my preventative…
Oh. I think the law is to heavy handed. I would rather see addiction treated at least predominately as a disease. I would rather people be forced into rehab at least the first or second time they break this law as apposed to prison. I mean it sucks for the kid to be disabled or harmed because of something that their…
I love this pearl-clutching in our society - you have to be able to quit your addictions FOR THE BABY. Your own flesh and blood! Guess what is also your flesh and blood, assholes? YOUR ACTUAL FLESH AND BLOOD FROM YOUR BODY. Why do we think that if someone is not able (or hell, I'll bite, willing) to get clean for…
This is Jezebel, all we do is put down dicks. HEY-OH!
the Oxford comma strikes again
Hee! We should set up a business plan- Cut and shave while dancing the can can on the bar! What's not to love?