Truth in advertising? No, I did not.
Truth in advertising? No, I did not.
Ahem. I'm American, despise Trump, and still thought the Trump diss in the episode was heavy-handed and out of place.
I'm sure it's covered in other episodes, but in the 50th anniversary Smith/Hurt/Tennant mash-up, it's explicitly stated they won't remember their encounter because the time streams are all mixed up with them together at the same time and place. So, you might not like that as an explanation, but it wasn't just conjured…
I know a lot of people are calling this a deus-ex-machina resolution, but I'm going to (pedantically) point out that I don't think it is. It doesn't come from out of nowhere, the clues were there from the first episode, though I will say it (much like Bill's phantom mother conversations) could have been seeded through…
Unpredictable? I don't get much right (didn't realize it was Simm in disguise, didn't guess it was Missy in the vault), but I did predict the Master(s) arc would end with Simm killing Gomez after she went 'gud'. : )
With all of the bitching and moaning on sites like these (and the whole Internet, really) I think a lot of people miss the point. Doctor Who is the ultimate guilty pleasure, as it is not always great, and often god-awful (especially a lot of the first 25 years). But I think most true fans forgive the down episodes…
And there's an inherent hypocrisy (mentioned once or twice in the series, I think) that the Doctor abhorred guns and yet in many instances used his Sonic exactly like a gun.
Ummm…..I could be wrong (or simply twisted) but I assumed the "is it wrong?" referred to SImm/Master having an erection at the time.
I don't think it was a particularly genius guess on my part, but I did call the Missy turns 'gud' only to be killed by the Master twist weeks ago.
Absolutely. "Husbands" is really wonderful, and for anyone who doubts Moffatt can do deeply emotional scenes, I have two words for you. "Hello, Sweetie."