
I typically don’t buy produce from them unless I plan on using it that day.

My wife and I buy all of our produce at Aldi, and very few processed foods. I guess it depends on what your staples are...

Not sure how it’s in the US, but over here their cow-milk mozzarella is actually quite good. A while ago a TV show had some Italians from Napels test a bunch of mozzarella and ALDI’s did quite well in the test. Definitely worth the €0.45. The bread also isn’t that bad imo.

Agree with much of this - however on coffee, the coffee you need to be comparing it to is their whole bean Peru or Ecuador coffees. Fair Trade and organic - and for $3.99-$4.99 a bag, is actually better than 90% of the other whole beans on the market. The standard ‘Donut store Blend’ and ‘Morning’ versions are

I like a lot of things from Aldi’s. we have cut our grocery bills in half buy getting most staples there. Canned food, frozen stancks, milk and produce. Even their bread selections are decent.