
When a person does something like this to somebody else in public like that, it’s an implicit assertion to everyone who sees it and to the person they’re doing it to: “Look at what I can do to embarrass you. Look at how I can get others to laugh at you by humiliating you. Look at how I can control how others see you

Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it

“Tommy is a loving husband and father.”

he, “did not act with any criminal intentions”

Whenever it’s the “I can’t put my finger on it, but she makes me uncomfortable” or “he’s got something more, I can’t put a finger on it”’s the penis thing.

Probably shouldn’t be so flippant on the Amazon thing, the “war cloud” bit is legitimately an impeachable offense— corrupting the supposedly blind bidding process for a 10 billion dollar contract in order to punish a corporations reporting is insane- it’s not like the “war cloud” contract wasn’t fulfilled, the

Actual conversation between my mom and me:

To see what the person who actually wrote it had to say

No one cares about your boner

I think we need to vote up Constitutional amendments in counter to every goddamn fucking jackassed cheat this shithead has pulled. There are so goddamned many actions that have pushed common decency, common sense, and just fucking societal norms and it defies comprehension. But then add the complete bending and

It would be a lot less infuriating if people like Johannson and Degeneres didn’t try to twist their continued friendships with people who have done shitty things as some sort of brave or morally courageous stance. The simple fact of the matter is you like someone personally for whatever reason, and don’t want to

First gambit: physical aggression and violence.

I’m disgusted that some info from his dates who found him scary and violent was excluded (because young men may respond badly to rejection) while info from Grace’s dating activity was seen as somehow relevant to the dude killing her

Good for Beck for getting out, but it’s silly for him to pretend like we were all just imagining him being a Scientologist when he explicitly said he was in a 2005 interview.

Malcolm Gladwell is an insufferable ass. And he also completely mis-characterized Chanel Miller’s assault in this book.

Look, this is why this shit is a big deal. YA novels aren’t some kind of frivolous bullshit that isn’t worth reading because they aren’t The Great American Novel. If you’re at a university to challenge yourself academically, the Common Read isn’t the only place you can do that, and telling everyone that you joined a

Sure it’s possible if the guys aren’t creeps.  So that weeds out about 99% of them.

Recently I’ve been considering art and artists the way the ancient Greeks did. They believed that artists were merely vessels, through which the muses spoke. The artist was irrelevant, and because, without their divine intervention, they were just human beings, their flaws and sin were expected and normal, but

now talk about all the shit the men at Deadspin who all just quit and were touted as heroes did while they were there. Talk about how Marchman, Ley, Magary covered up multiple sexual assault allegations. How they slut-shamed the fuck out of a couple of the women who made the allegations. How Burneko was privately repri

HR gal here. I can’t help but think that if he was fired just two days after a tweet that management already knew. They fucking knew. You can bet there are some NDAs in a locked desk. That hidden history is what let them drop the axe that fast on their failson-bestboi.