
No it’s not. Have you read the book? It’s literally called “Catch & Kill” and it’s about the practice of ensuring stories about harassment (involving those in power) are never told in a public format. You want the specifics of the horrors that those amazingly brave women went through? Read the article in the New

I actually waited for a review of She Said, but it's still nowhere to be found on Jezebel. Weird, right? Why review a book written by women and about women if you can bitch that a man didn't write this book instead? 

I mean, that’s great. Don’t read it if you don’t want to. But his reporting told the victim’s stories, and this is a different thing.

Yeah, it seems weird to treat his relationship to Dylan as nearly an aside.

It seems pretty clear to me that in the course of reporting the Weinstein story - which was presumably first a piece for NBC TV, which by necessity morphed into a print article when it moved to The New Yorker - a second story started to emerge. It’s literally in the title of this book, “Catch & Kill.” Killing Farrow’s

It was about the process of getting the story published and the institutional bullshit that protected people like Lauer and Weinstein. I don’t think it minimizes anything about the victims, it’s just about a different-ish topic? It’s like being mad at All the President’s Men for focusing on Woodward and Bernstein

All that “method” acting and sending dead animals to people for ten minutes of screen time.... 😂 

What’s bizarre is that they project with the accuracy of a laser satellite their own myriad of issues onto every single person that crosses their path. It’s like some kind of reverse superpower.

And what did Parker Posie ever do to deserve having this troll co-opt her good name?

“Of course they are!” Trump agreed. “When they’re the father and your son’s entire career is dependent on that, they own you. Sean, that’s what it is.”

Not at all. He seems like someone who has taken on this cause because of the effects abuse caused on his sister.  Also, hearing his interview with Jon Lovett made me feel he has a very boring personal life.

Whenever I see these headlines, whatever name is attached, I’m pretty much always like “eh, I could see it.”

Thanks for writing this. It helps me untangle something I’ve been struggling with, namely to udnerstand why many women I respect and admire seem to have married Extremely Shitty Men. Maybe these men didn’t use to be shitty? But that doesn’t mesh with the overwhelming majority of men that were good when they were young

Ariel Winter, 21, broke up with the 32-year-old man who began dating her when she was a teenager.


Worked as a paramedic, an RN, and I now work in the legal field with law enforcement.

Versions and variations of this kind of story are the norm. “It was wasn’t my meth, I just bought this car!” “I was sitting in my own living room, minding my own business, when a stranger drug dealer walked in and shot me.” “I was sle

*I*, sir/madam/troll, am a walking renaissance of epic parts beauty, ugliness, talent, tragedy, and week-old bong water scented with Chanel no.5. I radiate charm and carnage, and will always look somewhere between 21 and 3500 years old.

So, if I’m reading this correctly his alibi is that he was cheating on her?

He’s a man dating a woman half his age. Of course, he’s a controlling douchebag.

As I get older I sense a following pattern with men, especially men of privilege *cough Johnny Depp* :

They’re young and beautiful and the loves of their early lives are equal-aged women of similar beauty and stardom, they wed, the next decade more or less (in Phillippe’s case a bit less) their careers continue to