they’re not allegations of an affair, they’re allegations of a crime.
they’re not allegations of an affair, they’re allegations of a crime.
It’s a perfect example of what happens when you don’t have or have and don’t listen to a diverse design team. Any woman or visible member of another oft-harassed group would have raised red flags on this.
It’s just such a bad idea in general, that I’m not sure limiting the messages to people booked on the same itinerary would help. For example, I used to travel frequently with large continents of college athletes and their coaching staff. As a woman working in athletics, you (sadly) get used to a certain amount of…
If I may, as someone who’s spent long years teaching on a few college campuses: shutting down invited guest speakers does not equal students not having access to opposing viewpoints. Only a bare minimum of students attend such lectures, which are external to the college purpose and fully voluntarily organized on the…
Yes, it seems entirely plausible that a prince of England would have no other way to end a friendship than a personal visit which required a six hour plane ride across an ocean and a visit to a house where underage girls were certain to be. I mean, I’m sure the Duke of York doesn’t have any personal assistants that…
I know Lindsay is in the wrong here, but...everyone deserves an hour for lunch. I believe in some unions it’s even mandatory. Are there no entertainment/arts unions in Australia?
Where is all that money now
See also: On occasions when the “good man” is actually busted for what he’s done, the story often shifts to making the man the real victim in the situation, his life tragically ruined, his career sadly damaged.
Wonderful piece, especially in highlighting that it’s not just men but women as well who engage in the ‘good man’ speeches.
I was in a really bad relationship in my early 20's; I had just moved across the country for college and was completely insecure. I started dating a guy who was also very insecure, which led to…
They can say men that behave like that are good because abuse and rape are not seen like something bad to their eyes, it is just something that happens, because women are supposed to take it because God says so and it’s our place in society.
I feel like the fact that Marine Kelvin has a back tattoo of the logo from the Vin Diesel/Ice Cube XXX trilogy of films is really under discussed. When did he get it? I assume it was sometime in between the first and second movies, but at what point? Was it intentional to get it in the same spot as Vin Diesel’s…
“The press conference is being drowned out by Chumbawumba” is just an amazing fucking sentence and I’m sure it will be my final thought before I die and I am hashtag-blessed for that.
Tyrone looks like a sweetheart! My pup Winston has the rubber ducky poncho and while it’s pretty adorable, IMO there aren’t enough velcro straps underneath to keep it from sliding around on him. So I added another one and now it stays put nicely! Here he is:
Tyrone looks like a sweetheart! My pup Winston has the rubber ducky poncho and while it’s pretty adorable, IMO there…
Cosby is currently serving out his sentence at a maximum security prison outside Philadelphia. He is reportedly very popular
Orphan remains my greatest moviegoing experience. It was just a so-so thriller, but at the big reveal a tween/early-teen girl sitting down the row from us stood up and shouted ESTHER GOT TITTIES at the top of her lungs. It was incredible and probably the hardest I’ve ever laughed in public.
I wrote a Lizzo quote on my bathroom mirror this weekend: “If you can love me, you can love yourself, every single day.” So now every time I think about how much I love her (which is really goddamn frequently) I try to take those feelings and beam them straight back at myself.
Remember, this rapist is an independent contractor and Lyft needs no “legitimate” reason to remove him from their platform. They didn’t have to perform an investigation, dot any i’s or cross any t’s, nothing.