
It’s almost like capitalism and feminism don’t go well together.

What absolutely miserable human beings these people reporting her must be

Yes, IMO the incidents Kavanaugh is accused of are really bad, but what equally pisses me off is his lies, his indignation.

I knew a guy like that too and wasn’t traumatized by him either. I think it can be true that drunken frat boys sometimes wave their dicks around without intending to hurt or intimidate anyone, maybe even thinking they’re making themselves the butt of the joke, and it can also be true that it’s sometimes done

Sure it does. A guy isn’t going to do that because he thinks the woman will say “yay!” and commence to sucking. He’s going to do that because he knows it will make her uncomfortable. In this case, she’s saying that she felt Kavanaugh did this to flex his power over her - to say, “See, I can do this nasty, threatening

One is hardly surprised about this. It was apparent during thehearings” for Boofin’ Brett that he assaulted both women, and that the FBI just shut up about Ms. Ramirez.

Rudy Giuliani, a man known for his messy divorces

Hugh was too stunningly beautiful

I just don’t get how so many people are in denial about his mental decline. Every time he does some fucked up shit that shows he is mentally unfit, my boyfriend kind of laughs it off and then my response is, “What if this were your father doing this? Or your brother? You wouldn’t think this is normal.” Or this morning

Thank you for this. It’s easy to forget when weasel words are used that, as Chief Queef also points out, they were children. I was assaulted at that age, and for many years I thought I brought it on myself. And then I found a picture of myself from that summer, and I realized that no, dude was a fucking sicko. Doesn’t

Those were not underage girls. They were just little girls. Eleven, twelve. Sick old man.

It’s not like anyone was asking him to change Donald Trump’s mind from being a predator.  All it would have taken was a “that’s assault, and you’re disgusting.”  But there was fame and being in the good graces of a rich famous person to be had, so.....

 “I look forward to sitting with people who have been through something,”

I didn’t personally appreciate the light touch it took regarding Falwell Sr. either, but it’s important to note that the reporter is a Liberty grad who presumably still shares at least some of the alleged values that Liberty espouses, and this is what granted him access to people he openly admits are still very

Gggggggooooood Lord. That lady is a BECKY. My personal nightmare in the flesh.

Also not true. Mariel Hemingway talked about how he kept inviting her to Paris. She kept asking if she would get her own bedroom and he kept avoiding the question. She finally said no when she realized she was not getting a bedroom of her own.

he has a concern for “creating jobs”

As fucking pathetic as this whole thing has been, it does bring a smile to my face thinking about Trump drawing on the map with a sharpie all while saying to himself “Donald you goddamned brilliant stable genius! No one will ever question the authenticity of this!”

Props to the woman scientist who shouted “Shut up!” at Negroponte, twice.

She just buried her last chance to win/get nominated for an Oscar, congrats, ugh.