
Just as Jones’ words matter, so do Jezebel’s- it is not accurate or adequate to write, “Jones repeatedly pushed the idea that the tragedy—in which 20 children and six adults died- was merely a hoax” Let’s use the accurate language here, it was a mass shooting and 20 children and six adults were murdered/slaughtered.

I’m 63. When I was three there was a measles encephalitis epidemic in my county. I was hospitalized for a couple weeks. Yes, I was fully immunized by my nurse mother.

How does it feel to know your ridiculous, uninformed opinions could cause someone else to die. Someone who, for whatever reason, can’t use a vaccine and depends on the people who can be vaccinated to keep them safe. Humanity would be better off without people who continue to be so willfully uninformed to the detriment

Thanks for scrolling to the bottom of the page! Next time please read the article while you do it. You might learn something.

Holy crap I hope they don’t seal that transcript.

If you went full Liam Neeson on that person, it’d be a gross miscarriage of justice if you got convicted. Justifiable revenge from where I’m sitting.

Difference is in the one case the perpetrator is a deluded self-righteous waste of protein; in the other...oh wait. Yeah, no distinction. Touche.

I couldn’t agree with you more.  I have a sweet, precious 6 month old baby boy.  If some fucking shithead who decided to not vaccinate their kid infects MY son with the measles, fuck them.  They deserve to be punished for their shitty, irresponsible parenting.

I see no distinction between letting an unvaccinated child, especially one with an active measles case, walk around...and smashing open a glass vial full of live measles virus in a populated area.

Good, Alex Jones is a POS. I hope he has to pay millions of dollars and can no longer peddle his shit on infowars or anywhere else. That man deserves a suite in hell. 

What a repugnant person. Using the stolen lives of children to bolster his hateful rhetoric is.. something else.

No, I think “said this shit to make money off idiots" is better than lawyer-speak because his fan-base don't understand lawyer-speak, but they might understand that

I hope he gets sued out of existence. He should also have to make a public statement saying, “I’m full of shit and said this shit to make money off idiots, no matter who it affected.” That, but more lawyerly. 

Good. He needs to know what it is like to speak before an audience whose sole function is to hold him accountable for his words.

Come on Karma, do your thing!

GDI, take your star, you magnificent bastard.

omg i bet you anything she got that ugly ass middle aged haircut in an attempt to look smarter/more mature.... like that Owen Labrie motherfucker and his glasses

15 months and a charge of involuntary manslaughter is madness for this.

Can I ask why my comment criticising the judgement as too lenient was removed exactly?