

Any time I see any kind of fancy cross, I automatically assume the worst about the person wearing/carrying/displaying it.

I suspect a lot of their knowledge comes from “documentaries” from the same people that brought us Ancient Aliens*

This fetish he has for gripping long black rigid objects would be much better served if he’d...

I always love telling Evangelicals and conservatives that Jesus was in the Koran and is considered one of the most important prophets in Islam. 

This cannot be said enough. Both idiot sons should be out there defendin’ our freedom. Instead, this one clearly has an under-the-table endorsement contract with some more-racist-than-usual gun manufacturer, while the other one is probably sitting in his bathtub right now being mesmerized by the water swirling down

He does represent them pretty well, I gotta say.

Agreed. The cross on the gun is the MOST subtle way Don and the rest of his chucklefuck family have said this very thing.

The thing that would be sad if it wasn’t so funny is that Don Jr is play acting this whole tough man, gun toting hunter bullshit to impress his father and that guy could not give two shits about any of it. His fathers idea of a vacation is getting the most expensive suite in the most expensive hotel with the biggest

Unfortunately, he can’t join. I hear he inherited some bone spurs.

This needs to be the main take-away from this story and every other story about him: above all else, Don Jr. makes his father look reasonably intelligent.

What’s the difference between this imagery and imagery of terrorists in the middle east?

God that thing looks like a bad skin from a free to play shooter. Also there’s zero chance he actually shot that thing right? He holds it so wrong in that picture that the safety being off is just icing on the cake.

When can we expect his enlistment?

This is who Republicans see as the party’s standard-bearer in 2024?

“This is not what you put on a gun unless you’re saying Christians have a right to kill people who aren’t one of us,”

Put pic of Hillary behind bars on a magazine = “greatest mag of all time”

Well, the thing about Marine basic is they require you to do a lot of chin ups and since he doesn't have one I think that would disqualify him.

Lock her up?

Wow, if I had any doubt that he was a total fucking moron I don’t any more.