
I love the one i got last winter, and am just ramping up to using it again now that it’s dark in the mornings again.

HOWEVER: this product suffers from one giant flaw* that most people are unaware of until it happens to them: the power cable is made from the same soft white plastic that some cats find IRRESISTABLE.

I love the one i got last winter, and am just ramping up to using it again now that it’s dark in the mornings again.

I’m going to have to file this under “highly personalized” like a lot of fitness advice.

If i try to work out on the same day that i had sex, even if it’s a morning romp and an evening workout, i suffer from massive fatigue. The exertions of an orgasm stay with me for hours and my muscles just feel like jello. I

And yet, Trick on Lost Girl was portrayed as being quite attractive to the ladies, regardless of height. It was one of my favorite things about that show: the fact that they never fetished him or in any way made him out to be less powerful or masculine (or whatever, because obviously Bo is about 100000 times more

Yup. Very recently a friend of mine who is perhaps a size 16 ish had a younger man talk to her briefly in our local co-op. Then, demanded she follow him to his car for oral sex. When she refused, he got loud and belligerent: “But you owe me for talking to a fatty in public!”

He was serious.

I thought it was because of the impact of my giant body hitting the floor ;)

My coworkers often log 20-40K steps per day, doing the same job i do. I get 5K on a report writing day, 7-10K on a normal day, and a while back in our Kilo Lab i racked up 14K in a day (and then went to bet at 8pm because i was WIPED). (My numbers are for workday only. I get another 2-4K on workout nights, lest you

You guys are creepy. It snow last night, and this morning on my way in i made my mind up that i couldn’t wait any longer for the next Lifehacker wiper blade promotion and would have to order new ones and pay full price.

You guys are creepy. It snow last night, and this morning on my way in i made my mind up that i couldn’t wait any

Interesting. I passed on both sides, but i know full well that the ankle i broke 3 years ago has never regained full mobility. I know this because i struggle to do a simple crossover. So, dorsoventral mobility might be important, but lateral mobility is more important in some sports. Can we get a test for that

You almost broke me.

I respect that women so much, intellectually. And yet her beauty and poise is just breathtaking. It’s almost cognitive dissonance to try to resolve the two.

So, she’s a big fan of A Boy and His Dog? ;)

Well, fortunately for some of us, some of the losers who do this are in work vans at the time and can be fired for their actions.

Yeah, the problem is, a blood sugar visual migraine when not treated with increased blood sugar turns into a full migraine, at least for me. So, that’s an entire day lost. Life is too short to spend it lying on the couch moaning in the dark if you can avoid it, IMHO ;) I’d rather just eat breakfast and be done with

What’s interesting is that it didn’t even occur to me to frame them as “weight loss myths”. I was thinking of them as “eating myths” or “food myths” and weight loss wasn’t even on my list of things to consider. I was thinking solely of how a person can get through a typical day that involves thinking, data recording,

Oh dear gods no way. If i didn’t spend 1-2 hours a day doing spreadsheet-y desk work (analyzing the data i’ve collected, projecting timelines, writing my weekly report) i’d be on my feet 100 % of the time. Even now i log 7000-11000 steps on a routine day, and during a busy period a few weeks ago i was up to 14000 for

Fascinating. One, two and ESPECIALLY three are things i have to do. If i let my blood sugar get too low i get visual migraines, which let me tell you are terrifying. I used to get them on my way home from workouts, which was a 35 minute drive. Not being able to see out of one or both eyes on the highway really puts

I keep hoping to find the solution to my sleep problem, and a tracker isn’t it. But it sure is interesting :)

I have a thing where i dig my feet into the mattress at night, more when i’m stressed. It’s kind of like i’m trying to mountain climb the mattress. So i wake up exhausted, with sore calves and sometimes back

Yes, but what confection would he be? ;)

That you know of. Think of all the free time he must have.

I am going to ask for that rescue inhaler. I would estimate half of the league uses them before practice. Many of our practice spaces are unheated, dusty, or both, and it just seems normal for everybody but me to have one. I just don’t know how to ask without sounding like a drug seeker. Fingers crossed i do it

I can’t empathize with your ex at all. I haven’t dated anyone older than me since 2002. My last 2SOs were 9 years younger than me (6 years together), 10 years younger than me (1 year together), and my current SO is 5 years younger than me. I just have nothing in common with people older than me, and barely anything