
Yeah, that (SPOILERS) whole "it was me all along!" felt forced and schlocky. My main problem was that it felt like two drafts- one about Bond and Blofeld, with Blofeld being revealed as an ultimate antagonist in a much more subtle and detailed way, and the other about MI6 being forced into a villainous surveillance

"We finally see Bond's apartment, which falls in line with the idea that, in the books, he's just on an average salary."

I heard Axl Rose went into Dish nation and ate all the food in Dish nation etc. etc.

The Birth of a Nation

I'm worried he's turning into the new M Night Shyamalan. They both hit it out of the park on their first try, then were under so much pressure to follow up that they went to their artistic comfort zones (twists for Shyamalan, social commentary and themes of poverty and class struggle for Blomkampf) to diminishing

What social issues will he be confronting in the laziest and most heavy-handed possible allegory this time? Maybe the time cops shoot a black time traveller for no reason, prompting mass time-demonstrations. Or how about if the villain is a thinly veiled Trump?

The Headmaster Ritual. Great vocal, interestingly poetical lyrics, and solid work across the board from the band, especially the underappreciated Andy Rourke's bass part. I was once disciplined at school for writing an article in the sixth form magazine describing our headmaster as a "belligerent ghoul running a


A high-concept procedural on US network television, you say? Always innovating over at Fox!

Reposted Taco Bell Bell

My god, I assumed from that first comment that the gimmick was that you came up with generic pseudo-intellectual nonsense a la the post-modern essay generator, but these are real quotes. What a horrible world we live in.

"I need the biggest movie explosion you have…no, that's too big."

Fat Man Destroys Nagasaki

I've heard stories that Clint Eastwood was meant to play Two-Face in Batman '66. If they somehow worked that in, then this might be the best comic book of all time.

I really enjoyed the first season. The entirely-flashback episode in particular was as good an episode of TV as I've seen this year. As the relationships and characters get more comfortable, I'm wary that the show might wind up extending into some soapy storytelling, but everything on display here makes me all the

Republican Debates Too: 2 Many Candidates

That's gonna be a, uh, foreseeable cancellation


Rewatching, it's amazing how much broader the characters become, which honestly is to the show's detriment. Terri and Glenn especially turn into characters from a much less subtle programme, which I attribute to it becoming much more The Malcolm Tucker Show as time went on.

Film Spectre earlier in the week. The action was a lot of fun, and Craig's comfort in the Bond role is now so obvious that at times it seemed to border on winking self-parody. The writing was what let it down. It felt like two storylines (the Spectre organisation and the MI6 internal politics storyline) had been