
Ah, shit. You made too good a point for me to argue with.

Making movies out of heavily narrative games (The Last of Us, Call of Duty, The Witcher, Assassin's Creed) makes little sense to me. I've already seen those stories, and thanks to the budgets and graphics of modern games, they were often well-acted and directed. Why do I need to see them again in a movie? Give me a

The article about the American name for "muggles" somehow became a long discussion of trans rights. I mean, shit, lads, come on, we're not Reddit.

I was in school with a guy called Aaron Mycock, pronounced "Air-on My-cock."

"She's really confronting our established cultural ideals around the presentation of women in woodcarvings."

Radio dramas? What an exciting contemporary medium for this evocative artist. Maybe next she'll work on something even more relevant, like a puppet show or a zoetrope… Here's a paper I found which basically says "Maybe? Lots of things make people see movies, actors are probably one of them". It makes for quite good, if technical, reading.

But the systemic oppression of Mark Ruffalo has only just begun!

Yeah, I will admit to finding it pretty cute and interesting, I was just being a jackass.

This is the weirdest gimmick account on here, hands down

Well, that's his public email. Privately, he uses

I can't help but feel like maybe if Jeb hadn't started acting like he was losing, he wouldn't be losing. I guess after two coronations, the dynasty felt they could just walk him to the nomination, but bottling at the first sign of trouble like this is just bloody embarrassing.

A thoroughly charming man. Sometimes it feels like these are solely promotional, or slightly embarrassed, but this was appreciative, amusing and classy throughout. We're lucky to have such people still with us.

Sure, we all appreciate those, but we were talking about her musi—oh, I'm sorry, you said "hits"

Look, Puff Daddy, it's regular Daddy!

For the past three years, I've been overwhelmingly privileged to be a student at one of England's top universities for literary study. I spend hours a week in the tutelage of respected, esteemed academics who have produced volumes of Shakespeare for the Oxford Shakespeare and Arden Libraries. I've discussed authorship

I recently watched the early Betty Boop for the first time, and especially Minnie the Moocher has the quality of a fever dream. It was really interesting to see animation in the era prior to it becoming "kids' stuff" had the same sort of artistic diversity that you got in a lot of European art at the time.

Disgruntled Goat, Uncle Ant, Ku Klux Klam…

"Look out, Oswald, he's Irish!"

Huh. This was an unexpected response. I already used this (in spite of anti-cute curmudgeonliness) to find some podcasts, having never been into them before, and have spent all evening in pleasant amusement at a whole bunch of stuff, so thanks a lot.