
Absorbing Man could work as a Cage villain, albeit probably more in a henchman role than mastermind.

And he's polling ahead of Jeb Bush and Scott Walker!

vwls r fr lsrs

Oh, this one's about zombies? OK.

It also has the effect of making it look like these issues are being sidelined; sure, Iceman can be gay, but it's not the Iceman, etc. Representation is crappy enough in comics (especially at the creator level) without trying to obfuscate nerd outrage with alternate universes and parallel timelines.

The brides look like they're screaming/being attacked by Joker gas more so than naturally laughing. I've seen more convincing smiles in medication commercials.

What gives with the total lack of anything on Iron Fist? Even Luke Cage has had a casting announcement. I get that Iron Fist is probably the most out-there and demanding of the "Defenders" properties, so maybe they're holding off for that reason?

I don't think I've ever gotten so quickly bored by any show as I was by Portlandia. I loved what I could find on YouTube at first, but I quickly realised that you could simulate the show by writing "People in the city of Portland, Oregon, are overly concerned with fads, appearances and passing cultural fetishes" on

Here in England, we call them "mum cums" and they're very different films. Would still like to see Amy Schumer in one.

"Kids today seem to like their Insane Clowns to be rappers, so it made the most sense."

Just a heads-up: The Burger King is still free to walk the streets.

He had Mark Wahlberg's lawyers

"You don't deserve to be at Sundance" — The star of A&E miniseries "Bonnie and Clyde", somehow taking the creative high ground.

"We can't compete with HBO! Their network is big and evil! We're small and neutral."
"Starz is small and neutral. We're more like AMC; ambitious, and misunderstood."

Don't you worry about Noah Emmerich's guest starring role on Showtime's Billions, let me worry about blank.

"Please, I beg of you, Jimmy Fallon, release me! All day I must produce listicles about Hey Arnold!, gifs of scenes from Forrest Gump and video retrospectives about Nirvana! I have a family!"
"Back to work, peon!" *whipcrack*

Jay Z - What More Can I Say (Grey Album remix)
Frank Turner - Four Simple Words
Bloc Party - Banquet
Radiohead - Where You End and I Begin (Live From the Basement)
Drake - Legend
The Libertines - Don't Look Back Into the Sun
KISS - I Was Made for Loving You
Toto - Africa
Desert Sessions - Rickshaw
Otis Redding - Sitting on the

I dunno if I’m cool enough for a weekly thread on Tolerability Index, but here goes nothin’:

Well Nineteen Kids and Counting had a pretty good run.

"C'mon, we gotta get 'im back to SeaWorld!"