
I want to make a pun thread, but I wouldn't Yvonne know where to begin.

Well, don't leave us in suspense. Did you?

The Phony Pope can be recognised by his high-top sneakers and incredibly foul mouth

"I say, this correspondent accompanies his missives with a most amusing illustration; a mouse with a face resembling a male implement! Bravo!"

The name's Tommy J and I rock old Philly
I'm half Thomas Paine and a third Machiavelli
I'm the slave-owning hippy from Shadwell City
I'm a rappin' Founder, you the fool I pity

German Reichminister Ricky Martin. He keeps that part of his past very well hidden.

I would, however, like to see a Broadway musical about the series of decisions that led to this Broadway musical.

Nah, there's totally an arc here. I didn't think the story is about this!

Tell me about it! The album was only released on Friday, and frankly I preferred Yankee Hotel Foxtrot.

As a car accelerates, it generates speed force within its engine. Usually, the speed force is only sent through the wheels. By putting speed holes in the car, more speed force can escape and the car can travel faster.

The Wizard's Duel is one of my favourite bits of animation ever, and I just know a modern CGI redo will turn it into animal-shaped computer blobs moving around one another unconvincingly. I'm hopeful that the story of King Arthur is big enough that they can revisit the core beats of "optimistic take on Arthur's origin

"Here's your quote. JD Salinger loved this movie, almost as much as he loves cameras! Hey, over here! Have your picture taken with a reclusive author!"

I once found the number of the British comedian Alan Davies in a Who's Who, called it, and then panicked when he answered directly. I met him last year when he was campaigning alongside the candidate I was working for, and really wanted to ask if he remembered once getting a prank call from two excited kids.

Finally saw Mad Max: Fury Road and it was just about the best action blockbuster I've ever seen, despite my instinct saying there was no way it could match the hype. On the comics front, I've been back into superheroes and reading a bunch of Superman-related stuff, particularly Alan Moore's excellent Supreme and Mark

It's hard to think of a character so little-cared about who has managed to go through so many different iterations as Anarky. First he's V in a superhero universe, but he's a kid in a costume? Then he's THE archenemy for Tim Drake Robin, complete with Joker maybe being his dad to complement the Joker/Batman father/son

I never get the chance to talk about the trilogy of Tony Blair films that Michael Sheen did with Peter Morgan, but they're some of my favourite historical/biopic movies, especially The Deal. He does some of the best biopic acting I've seen, not just a straight up impersonation, but an immersion into the demeanour and

I once saw a TV interview where Michael Sheen didn't blink despite being called "Martin" to his face. That alone was enough to make me like the guy.

He sure was, buddy!

He lied to us through the guise of honest curiosity! I hate it when people do that!

I'm a big fan of BBC Radio 6 Music. You can get it online for free internationally, I believe. It has no commercials. With a few notable exceptions, their DJs are excellent, including Jarvis Cocker, and track down some great new music regularly. They've been pushing the new Tame Impala stuff all week. They make some