
Half-witted goons?

Is the Miss Universe pageant even remotely the biggest earner for Donald Trump's empire, or for these partners who are pulling out? I genuinely have no idea, but if it isn't, then isn't this whole thing basically just an exercise in media bods getting the chance to show off their enlightened liberalism without

I guess they told him, you're FIRED! But like…as an employer, I guess? Hahahaha, yeah. Yeah. I still got it.

I didn't, but a friend of mine is a part of a group who monitor police activity at rallies/protests/parades told me afterwards about seeing the police asking a guy with a butt plug flag to maybe put it away since it looked so much like the ISIS flag. I did see a man in full bondage gear chatting to a priest wrapped in

Being President was to blame. It was a classic case of "campaign in poetry, govern in prose" disappointment, combined with a healthy dose of racism, personal attacks and an upswing in crazed right-wingery due to the mainstream GOP being knocked so hard on its arse that others could capture the agenda. Cheney might

I've had my problems with Obama, but this week has reminded me why I- even from thousands of miles away- was so excited during his first campaign. While it might not make a mark on history in the same way, his singing "Amazing Grace" was as moved as I've ever been watching a political speech. Hopefully the

I think it could be played as a triumph for Stewart, especially if they get someone huge like, say, Cheney involved. He's basically everything the show has gone after so successfully this past fifteen years, so having him confront Jon directly would show that he's not just some clown, but instead has been so incisive

"Say, Abbot, did you hear about the founding member of that band died?"
"Oh, then there's no point me telling you. Which band was it?"
"Sure, I know you know, but can't you tell me which band it was?"

TV: The Americans season 3 continues to blow me away. Surely a competitor for the best show of the year, although I get the feeling that the Emmys belong to Mad Men. Rick and Morty rewatch in preparation for the newest season. Given how experimental and flat-out weird this show is, it seems amazing to me that it ever

A lot of that twee comes from his "stories about stories/stories are magic in their own right" recurring theme, but honestly since Sandman it feels a bit like that's almost his lazy, go-to theme, especially in his short stories. Sort of the literary equivalent of when a decent songwriter churns out a pop album because

I'd like to see Ian McShane bringing the same levels of sleazy charisma, power and magnetic jerkishness (jerkocity?) to Wednesday as he did to Al Swearengen.

I can't think of other texts with so much variance, but it makes sense. Gaiman must be one of the most popular genre fiction authors in the world right now, and he's got the kind of fans who are going to buy re-releases even if all they've got is a few hundred more words. And as annoying as his "the whole world is

It's a good long while since I've read it, but each different God has their own embodiment in each nation. Afghani Jesus is mentioned as seen unable to get a ride hitch-hiking at one point. "American Jesus" appears in the Author's Preferred Text, and seemed to me to be inspired by Hollywood in general and Spielberg in

Deep cut, but Gerard Depardieau looks a lot like the flashbacks to fat Alan Partridge

CGI; voiced by Tituss Burgess. The show otherwise remains exactly the same.

An Ennis-style MAX Punisher in his fifties/sixties, while it obviously gets more unbelievable every year, is still something I'd really like to see. There's something about the brutality and loss of innocence that Vietnam engendered in American culture that makes it slightly more evocative for him to emerge there, as

Didn't you like the movie where the arrogant male character learned humility? I really loved it when he stopped the glowing thing from destroying the world. And the jokes and quips! And there was that one character who everyone expected to just kinda stay in the background, but they became really well-liked on the

You mean famous AND good looking

Obsessive stage moms across England begin beating their children even harder, forcing them to read small text by weak light so they'll need glasses.

Stop the Wizarding World! I Want to Get Off!