
Here across the pond, Evans' love of cars is Leno levels of famous, one of the largest in the UK if I remember correctly. He's also been pretty tame the past ten years, so he's probably the natural choice. Personally, I'd like to see Top Gear focus more on the adventure and the cars, and less on the "crossing the line

We'll have to wait for the transmission of his episodes to know whether he's any good

TV: The week of Netflix. Bojack Horseman may have changed my mind more than any other show I've ever seen. While at first I felt that it lacked both an edge and heart enough to grab my attention, at around the midpoint it suddenly became one of the best-plotted, most emotionally affecting animated sitcoms I've seen

I've been wondering this while binge-watching tonight. Her sentence was originally 15 months, but it's possible that the attack on Pennsatucky resulted in some additional time. We know that a Christmas and a Thanksgiving have passed, and that it's now June 7th, her birthday. Daya's pregnancy kinda complicates things:

Gloria Steinem? But I only just met 'em!

Billy and the Tromboneasaurus

The commercials for Clash of Clans make me kind of want to download it. But I know that there's no way a cynical cashgrab game like that will have the charm of its own commercials, and that would make me feel ripped off enough to stop liking the commercials for Clash of Clans.

None of these puns are meant to be taken that seriously; they're all said in chest.

All this free time! I never thought I'd get sick of Razorfight II: The Slashening.

Stealing? Haven't you learned anything from that guy who gives those sermons in church? Captain what's his name? Why do you think I took you to all those Police Academy movies? For fun? I didn't hear anyone laughing, did you? Except at the guy who made sound effects. Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, stay out of my booze.

Ohhh, you mean "Shining"

All work and no new ideas makes ABC a dull network
All work and no new ideas makes ABC a dull network
All work and no new ideas makes ABC a dull network
All work and no new ideas makes ABC a dull network
All work and no new ideas makes ABC a dull network

Pizzaro Xhoan Snaxos

I bet he wouldn't mind them bugging him if they had pizza!

No, but here's some money to go make a documentary about that, apparently.

I have a niche, expensive "paying for porn" fetish, actually.

I can't wait to see when they'll embrace the internet porn revolution, and replace all the vanilla PPV stuff with the internet's heady cavalcade of sickening fetishes.

Hermann Goering's Hermits, as they were originally known

Rock music, associated with the Nazis? Well I never!

Slayer have sold out! They used to be about the important things in heavy metal music: blood showers, flaming skulls, sixty-foot tall barbed wire pentagrams!