
The brand is owned by Heineken, I'm not sure where it's brewed. While the vast majority of students (including me, if I'm out of cash) tend to drink whatever's cheap and plentiful, big kudos to the one campus bar which rotates three different guest ales a month.

Desperados. I'm not a big lager drinker, but they make the whole thing worse by being a crappy beer with an artificial, sour aftertaste. Popular with students because they're way higher ABV than most beer, I guess. At my students' union bar they shove about a quarter of a lime in the neck of the bottle, for a "Mexican

Headed to a bar on Sunday which turned out to be selling bottles of Innis and Gunn Scotch Whiskey Porter. I usually find liquor-infused beers to be somewhat against my taste, but I greatly enjoyed this, maybe because Scotch and porter are both more to my taste than the usual "tequila and light beer" combos you find.

I'm using 8.1, which came as the default. I can see why it's considered shitty- primarily because it shares many of the qualities of a piece of shit- but I'm used to it after having it on the laptop I used the past few years. My last was an Acer, and HP seem to have been better than Acer about alleviating Windows 8's

First comment from my new laptop! My old one was on the verge of shitting itself entirely, so I figured I'd get one before the inevitable. It's a HP 250 G3 notebook. No major issues so far, save for the fact that it doesn't seem to be getting the internet speeds of my old one. Got a job interview and got a hold of

Nah, it was just the one time, it was kinda dragging this waffle away from the trash? But I didn't get a good look at it in the shadows and misidentified the weird profile of a rat carrying a whole damn waffle.

I recently became excited when I thought I saw some sort of exotic weasel running around the back of my flat. Later, I realised it had just been a rat with a waffle in its mouth.

Seems like the worst way to shake up the show, compared to a time jump or something. Also seems likely to be a temporary, desperate publicity thing.

Something involving bloatware?

The Fairly Average Walk At a Normal Pace

I love that international reality TV formats can lead to the great moment of something going from "Look at those crazy foreigners!" segments on talkshows to "Coming this fall!" so easily

Tearjerking sequences when it turns out "Get even on Muhammad Ali" is still on Foreman's bucket list

If your sci-fi remains hard for more than 4 hours, please consult a physician

Is there a surviving copy of this you can make available?

"Wait a minute…why does this script specify the Bantha milk is in bags?"

Bible Discussion and Sacred Movies? Sounds wholesome!

"There's always a canal! Or an inlet! Or a fjord!"

I'm going to give my Frank opinion: This guy is great Cast(le)ing

Remember when their first shows out the gate were early House of Cards and OitNB, and it felt like they were going to be a new home home for really great original series? Sigh.