
That they forgot about Dre, even after he wrote that whole song warning people not to, just seems inconsiderate.

It would not be, but Well Done for Trying, Internet

I liked Final Crisis a lot, I think it might be the only recent big crossover I go back and read regularly. At Marvel, and especially in the X-Men line, it's always felt like they were trying to recapture that AoA magic.

I was born in 1995, so I'd call it a pretty good year for me even if I didn't do all that much.

Living outside the US and being on the younger end of the scale for AVClubbers, can anyone offer any insight into why it is the OJ trial seems to have been such a huge news story in 1995? It seems to me like the whole thing is notable more for being such a massive media storm as for any detail of the murders

That union-busting prick is the moderate choice? I didn't even know he was standing! Jesus fucking Christ, America.

I guess a family name associated with illegal wars and comical idiocy will kill even the richest and whitest of dynasties. Is there, for lack of a better term, a "Romney" in the GOP race this time around? Someone more central, fiscally conservative, less obsessed with gay rights and evolution?

I got a Wilco notification for this?

Ach, I knew I was slipping up somewhere. Thanks for pointing that out.

I've not been following the US presidential race super-closely due to all the political fuckery over here, but my perception is that Rubio could be a strong VP pick to complement Jeb Bush. Bush carries the old white men, the rich and does the fiscal and federalist heavy lifting for the GOP base while Rubio adds a

Tranks for nothing, buddy!

No one likes neediness, AV Club.

The AV Club
The "fun" kind of alcoholism

He really is the Chosen Wan

This show could really Jenner-ate some positive discourse


"Boy, I can't wait for the shower scenes!"— Mike Huckabee

She won an Oscar, and he's a Congressman.

That's the kind of sanctimonious defensiveness I'd expect from a Prussian!

Fresh Ass-Comedy?