
Whatcha gonna do, brother, when the hidden inner malaise of the jazz age runs wild on YOU?

He's part of that tradition of broadsheet columnists who are twats, but really easy to read (see also: Will Self, Mark Kermode, the Hitchens brothers)

Morrissey refused to allow them to publish his autobiography unless it was under the Classics line immediately. Obviously it failed to live up to that, but it's worth tracking down AA Gill's hatchet job review of it in the Sunday Times for the pure vitriol.

20 parts? But having too few episodes to a season is a fine BBC tradition, like the shipping forecast, the Queen's Christmas speech, or the running of the Cumberbatches.

I was back home from college all last week. My friends back home who went to other colleges haven't finished their finals, so I mostly spent it catching up with family. It was a good week. I built a chicken coop, then painted it, complete with references to terrible blintzes. It seems like every time I go home I wind

Probably a doctor's. He presumably still needed to walk to and from the chair in that video, as well as into the studio.

Finally, I can stop having to sneak backstage at Disney World

Before the Duplass brothers came along all cartoon animals did was play the ukulele!

Far right Christianity, Southern Republican connections and a history of embarrassing brushes with the law? Forget defending the guy, I'm surprised Santorum hasn't made him his running mate.

My favourite part of the League comics was when it went from "Victorian heroes having public domain adventures" to "all of the literature Alan Moore has ever read happening at once, especially if it's a British comic strip that ran for six issues in the fifties"

The offer also came with 15% of box office gross, which comes to more than 400 million. I can't imagine how he felt after that.

GB Shaw: "I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play. Bring a friend, if you have one."
Churchill: "Impossible to come first night. Will come to second night, if you have one."

Throw yo' hands in the air, then say some prayers

Given the cliché dialogue, "gritty" trying-too-hard tone and weird designs we've seen so far, the cast of this movie- Jordan included- are the only thing left giving me hope that it might not be a turdpile. So can racists not ruin that? Please?

But can anything beat the genius of "come the fuck in or fuck the fuck off" from The Thick of It?


Stab ham now, bitch!

Or stop McKinley's assassination! Why does no one ever raise that option? He won the Spanish-American war AND introduced the Gold Standard.


Plus literally get a grip, it'll make it harder for them to pry your phone from your cold dead hands when the rigor mortis sets in.