
Movies: Watched the Troubles drama '71. A brilliant piece of British cinema, it managed to only occasionally stray into the sort of cliches which normally appear in these "gritty mean-streets" type British dramas and the strength of the acting, especially from lead Jack O'Connell, managed to keep a level of emotional

Mr Juztpazzingby please! Disparaging the boot is a bootable offense! It's one of their proudest traditions!

He paid his dues and then some. A true legend, not just one of the best blues musicians of his generation, but an all-time great in any genre. Honestly upset to hear this. Long Live the King, RIP.

While I don't think it's anywhere near as cumbersome as some of the ridiculous couch gags from later seasons, two minutes of a whole other (better, funnier) show inserted into what used to be a 10- or 15-second couch gag slot is kind of a sign of the times as far as the Simpsons as a whole is concerned.

The Simpsons may have lost its touch, but us aficionados of over-long, cumbersome couch gags inspired by lesser-known artists and animators who leave ordinary audiences confused and hungry have never had it better!

What…what does the eggplant mean?

Britain's Prime Minister's re-election on Thursday was followed today with this gem: "For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'."

Assist tha Police coming Thursdays at 9!

I have a feeling they'll get a prediction again, each and every week. Always in more sexy and exciting ways.

This is technically based on the comic series, right? How is that even possible?

They like Itchy, they like Scratchy, one kid seems to love former Smashing Pumpkins James Iha…

Radical! Yeah! Cowabunga! Par-T time!

They've still got announcements for Milf Island, God Cop and America's Got Kidz Singing!

American History X-Wing

I, Lobot

I'm not 100% sure, but I think that devoid of the rest of the common motto from which it's usually taken, "audentes fortuna iuvat", it doesn't actually mean anything.

But then how would we know which deities he wants to bless which nations?

*screams in pain as you claw at his face*

I was gonna do something about McRibs/Freddie's ribs, but I'm pretty tired and kind of drunk. If anyone wants to do the joke for me, go ahead.

While I eat McDonald's with enough regularity that I'm fairly sure I'll be dead by forty, I recently ate a Burger King for the first time in a few months and the feeling left in my mouth was like I'd just swallowed an entire handful of soil. Genuinely disgusting.