
I eagerly await a House of Cards-inspired Mayor McCheese.

It's raining men?!

Is anyone else kind of burning out on Louis CK? I don't want to write this off at all, since it sounds like it could be different from Louie and his stand-up, but his awkward, sad-sack "modern metropolitan guy" persona is wearing thin, especially in Louie. It feels more like self-flagellation than comedy at this point.

"I think Homer gets stupider every year!" — Professor Lawrence Pierce, University of Chicago

I've heard that before, and are you sure it's not just Matt Groening fucking with everyone? Even during that weird first season, I can't see them pulling something as off the wall as "Oh and the mom was a rabbit-person the whole time as a reference to an obscure(?) comic strip"

"And because I completed all my goals in one term, there was no need for a second. The end."



I Wardn't want this to turn into a pun thread

Male presidents be fightin' aliens like this *plane noises, explosions*, whereas lady presidents be fightin' aliens in a presumably different, yet-to-be-revealed capacity.

Every other Newswire is an obituary! The star whackers are real! Randy Quaid was right!

Private Eye, the British satirical/investigative magazine, has been referencing the allegations about Lord Britten since the eighties, but course back then no one wanted to touch a member of the government, whereas now it's easier to scapegoat the senile and dead.

Half of it's still rumour at this point, but it seems likely that she was aware that members of her government were sex criminals. There's also an interview with former Chief Whip Tim Fortescue where he explains that the best way to ensure loyalty was to help MPs out of "trouble…involving small boys", and claims that

And Yewtree has led to the recent investigations into other sex abuse in the era, including a Westminster pedophile ring including senior government officials and police who murdered boys who threatened to go to the pol—fuck it, it's too depressing to relate this shit.

Jim Davidson, the honest-to-god racist British comic arrested during Operation Yewtree investigations, even titled his " comeback" show "No Further Action" due to the police ceasing the investigation, much like Cosby's "Far From Finished" insists he can keep some twitching life in his career despite these allegations.

Well, whenever you see something like that, a wizard did it.

I would have used it more, but I just wasn't a fin of most of their music.


(Spoilers) Not just a midget, but the charismatic and intellectually gifted midget who is the youngest of three children, the son of a prominent patriarch mainly remembered for turning the tide of a war, who lives a life of inherited wealth and privilege profiting from the success of his family, and who falls in what

Michael Chabon has similarities enough that he was the first place I went to; they share a certain sense of American cultural touchstones as a means by which they can tell broader human stories, as well as a willingness to abandon realism for the purposes of exploration. That being said, I think that he lacks the