
*Peter Dinklage awaits inevitable call for the role of Newt Hoenikker*

I Got You Babies sounds like it must be a joke. Right? Please?

Sexy mummy is a need already satisfied by many websites, thankfully.

Webster's New Abridged Becktionary: From Bzooty to Whiskeyclone No, no, the rhyming Becktionary!

The A.V. Club
What is this, the year of the jerk?

"We had too much money, too much equipment, and little by little we went insane" — Netflix executives

Someone needs to tell Jay Z's cousin that the email he got from an exiled prince looking to drop his first album through Tidal is really just a scam.

TV Watched Coalition on Channel 4-on-Demand. It's a dramatisation of the events surrounding the coalition government agreement between the Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties in the UK Parliament in 2010. I love this sort of back-room political drama, especially the brilliant TV movie The Deal about the

Will Smith can be a great actor, but given that I've heard that he has a guy whose job it is solely to "punch up" blockbuster scripts to preserve his pre-existing style and character and that it's David Ayers trying to coax a performance as a dry, honestly-suicidal sociopath from the guy, I suspect it's doomed

Not reference Simpsons? That's unpossible.

Remember that Newswire yesterday about how Spiderman should snapchat and listen to EDM and talk about how things are "nbd"? This is that, but somehow even more immediately dated, since it seems to be drawing on nu-metal trends circa 2004.

It's the comment I was born to make, baby!

"I know what will save TV! We'll make shows that make people wish they didn't watch TV!"

"I said this is a talkie, dammit! You've got to emote more! And you, extras, wave your arms and make faces. What is this, a morgue?"

And he's old enough not to need to run away from Bryan Singer

Hey, man, it's my first spambot reply. Don't ruin this for me! I'm just gonna play it cool, and start earning $97/hr any time now.

There really is something school-shooterish in the way that he's written in the Ditko era, it makes reading those early Spideys pretty terrifying

Now all we're left to choose from is "wiggity wiggity, Spidey's in the house!" or "Ruff ruff, I'm Spiderman, the rocking kid with the powers of a spider!"

Ha! It sounds like they're saying kooks! You've really outdone yourself this time, Internet!

There's only one Let's Player I watch with any regularity, and that's Nerdcubed, mostly because of the supply of good will accumulated from his early videos. He specialises (specialised?) in edited videos and his rambling but clearly intentional humour put me in mind of Eddie Izzard. Over the past 18 months or so he's