
That’s what I don’t get: it’s been fine. Trans-inclusive spaces have been fine. The incidence of “self-identified transsexuals who sexually assault young girls is...irrelevantly low, incredibly rare. The vast, vast, vast majority of bad actors who intend to assault people are cis-men. And more to the point,

From what I could gather from reading her other screeds she feels her experiences as a woman are so insecure and tenuous that even if she considers for a drunken hot second that a trans woman is a woman and not some third made up “something” her experiences of childbirth and puberty will be worthless. Every emotion

This actually got announced about a year ago. This new trailer is the first video we’ve seen of the game though, everything before now has been screenshots and information.

Is it a mystery or a detective story? Worth asking, because I've been hoping for a live-action Batman detective story for literally ever. 

I hope so too. For once I’d like one movie batman to have a 0 body count even in self defense.

total speculation, but i get the sense that this movie will ultimately be about Batman’s no kill policy. that’s the best way i can find Paul Dano’s Riddler to be threat. he’s trying to get a Young Batman, this fireball of hot rage and vengeance, to publicly murder him/someone. and it’ll come upon some personal

Um. It says the dark ages ended at the dawn of the 90s. You wrote a very very long post complaining about a thing the article agrees with you about in literally the first sentence.

Now playing

In terms of older noir, this cant be beat

Citing neo-noir films like The Zodiac and L.A. Confidential

For better or worse, it feels like the message is that Tatooine IS Star Wars and Star Wars IS Tatooine. All those other planets are just bonus excursions, but Tatooine’s the beginning and end of this continuously unfolding saga we know as “Star Wars” (Which might actually be fine if Dune wasn’t already a thing, let

Well, they’ve only got an entire alien galaxy to play with. Why wouldn’t they keep setting everything on a single almost entirely barren desert planet?

I hope they get him off Tatooine at some point. Tired of that setting.

First image has already leaked

In this series we get 3 episodes establishing Obi Wan’s status quo on Tatooine then we get 2 episodes that are entirely focused on Baby Luke Skywalker and his wacky adventures, as a backdoor pilot for Baby Star Wars.

I really thought after Chapter 2 there was a very intentional point to the Tuskens. I wanted it to lead to a deep internal conflict for Fett. I would have settled for a Dune ripoff. Instead they got fridged off camera.

He got lucky by staying behind when the imperial fleet went to hyperspace. After that he did exactly what was expected of him; no more and no less. He was a competent bounty hunter and that’s all.

The thing about the Boba Fett show is that... it doesn’t feel like a show that anyone wanted to make, really.

...then being so bad at actual combat in RotJ that he got his ass kicked by a blind man...accidentally...

I think that Disney has done great for Star Wars (some may disagree).

He successfully talked back to Vader, something only like 2 characters got away with in the entire OT. He outsmarted Han Solo easily. He calmly and quickly accomplished his goal of tracking and capturing Solo and delivering him to Jabba.