
“Why introduce a Zombie baby when it will have zero significance later? It’s things like this that kill the pacing and extends the runtime way past its welcome.”

You’re speaking to me like I haven’t already done research on this, but I have bc I’m a responsible teacher. That’s why I was asking if you could help me out by offering some links, books or refs of any kind. My original message wasn’t intended to be aggressive or sound like I was trying to call you out, I was

Not saying you’re wrong Vanessa, but do you have a few links or recommendations on where I can read up more on this? I know Lincoln wasn’t 100% ‘free all slaves’, but I don’t remember ever reading or seeing anything where he specifically stated that he didn’t care about Blacks at all/didn’t want black society and

Do we have any kind of update on this?

Ohhhhh, so he’s a cuck. Now it makes sense

Do we have any updates on wtf Cumming, Ga is up to now, now that those numbers have nearly doubled?

Sorry to bust your bubble, but Texas has been delivering alcohol with their pick up/delivery for nearly two weeks now.

Here in the States, we don’t police tweets or messaging or whatever. However, the second you start posting some, what most would consider to be threatening or hate speech, like pro-Nazi BS, you’re telling the world that you’re open to having a fist against your face.

Calling Wendy Williams a trans woman is offensive to trans women everywhere!

I’m 3/4 white and a first generation american myself. Yes, that’s america with a lower-case ‘a’ because this nation hasn’t deserved a capital letter in years. I also sit during the national anthem because I too, believe that this country has still got a LONG way to go before there’s anything even close to true

My bad on the repost. 

My bad on the repost. 

Tried this promotional code several times at checkout and it’s not working.  Amazon support is of no help either.  Any clues?

Tried this promotional code several times at checkout and it’s not working.  Amazon support is of no help either. 

I had a Punisher logo sticker on my car because he’s been one of my favs since I was a kid. He’s the same as Batman as far as being a ‘mere mortal’ occasionally working side-by-side with superheroes and they’re both out for vengeance for the murder of their loved ones. However, they’re both at opposite ends of the

I agree with you, JJ Abrams is a hack and personally, TFA is my least favorite SW movie after Episode II.  I’m mostly just ready to get the hell away from the Skywalker saga and move on to newer and potentially better stories.  The GoT writers aren’t the greatest, but SW is a different beast than GoT so I’m at least

This was actually a very refreshing article, so thank you for that Charles! TLJ was far from perfect but goddamn if it wasn’t a fun, occasionally bumpy ride. As much as I hate that they’re bringing back Palpatine and continuing with Luke in some capacity, I’m not super upset about it because it IS the last SW movie

This was a great article Natasha, thank you for sharing it with us. However, the only thing I wish had been covered a bit more was mothers who become toxic as their children reach adulthood. My mother and I were always close and she was warm and kind, gentle and loving, but in the last few years since I came out, she

I would think The Beast and David Dunn were opposites as both were technically physical hero/villain. Mr. Glass’s opposite would be the Shamrock Society as both are manipulative, highly intelligent and working behind the scenes to get what they want.

Something else to keep in mind is how abusive and controlling his mother was when Kevin Crumb was a kid. All she had to do was tell Kevin that his father had run off and was never coming back and after being told that enough times, it’s reasonable to believe that he’d come to believe that himself. If you’ve ever been

I felt exactly the same way Evan. It all had a very grounded, ‘real’ feeling to it and that’s what I loved about it. This trilogy being like a slice of life before the ‘big events’ (more super humans coming out of the woodwork) felt refreshing. Quite often a story like what this trilogy gave us is whittled down to the

These tears taste like snozberries... :(