You should be ashamed of yourself for your take. just because we can doesn’t mean we should. Nothing about the Bezos Boat is groundbreaking or amazing in any meaningful way. It’s just a clumsy use of unlimited funds.
You should be ashamed of yourself for your take. just because we can doesn’t mean we should. Nothing about the Bezos Boat is groundbreaking or amazing in any meaningful way. It’s just a clumsy use of unlimited funds.
Some people were so rich that they could afford Leonardo da Vinci to decorate their lunch rooms.
Yes the super rich can still be super rich and pay their employees living wages and taxes that support the infrastructure that enable them to become super rich.
That’s a lot of money that’s not going to the people that made it possible for Bezos to have the boat in the first place.
So I guess you are the one that decides none of the blue collar workers / trades people making boats, expensive cars, planes should have jobs anymore because you think no one should be able to afford these things? Nice of you. Would love to hear your economic plan.
Or just fucking take it apart right there in the drydock.
I am 100% for making lots of money and buying cool shit, but for one human to have this much money is pushing the concept of Meritocracy a bit too far. Maybe it’s because middle class wages have stagnated in relation to the costs of housing and higher education over the past few decades that has my ass all salty. But…
Spare us, dude. Bleeding hearts for the suffering mega-yacht industry?
Watch out - this kind of comment gets you all sorts of shit on, in a Bezos thread.*
I mean you can make fun of the guy for having a “toy” like this but you know what? This project has employed hundreds of people in the hard hit marine sector and will continue to employee lots of people for the substantial on-going maintenance that will be required. Captains, engineers, all the other crew, the ports…
Especially the people mixing them with uppers. Mixing it with an opiate is one thing. A cruel, incredibly dangerous thing, but it still makes a perverse kind of sense. But when mixed with something that absolutely should not have it? That’s fucking evil
Even among the many people in the pipeline who willfully profit off of the suffering of others, those who actually lace and knowingly sell other drugs with fentanyl are a special kind of depraved. I hope they rot away until they die.
I’m very happy for him. Truly. I can’t imagine how hard it’s been for him all this time. I’m looking forward to seeing an interview with him in 20 years or so when he’s an old codger.
I’m getting major Matthew Shepard vibes from this photoshoot. I guess that’s a weird thing to say, but I thought Shepard was really cute back when his murder was getting a lot of media coverage, so this is my awkward way of saying Elliot looks so handsome, and I’m so glad we as a society have made enough* progress on…
I’m super happy for him. Everyone deserves to be comfortable in their own skin, and be allowed to be version of themselves that makes them the happiest.
White women are in charge of teaching and sewing the seeds of racism and keeping it alive.
Let me say it AGAIN white folks:
Democrats need to get over being afraid of the bully pulpit. Biden ran on Green Lantern Energy with saying “I can do it!” so fucking do it, no one cares about procedure
You’re right that Manchin isn’t Democrats’ problem. He is about as progressive a senator as we could ever hope to get elected in WV. Our problem is that places like FL, PA, OH, and WI keep electing right wingnuts against their own interests and policy beliefs. We should have 57-58 senators and be happy anytime a…
Everybody gangster until the gangster shows up. With Orange Foolius, GOP leaders are performative tough guys, and their greatest kingmaker since the Koch brothers was Rush Limbaugh,