
I picked up WordFu, and hated it. I love word games, and I love a lot of games that are *like* WordFu. But the main problem is that the game's structure sucks. There's no sense of progression, for one - the game never gets harder as you play it.

LBP is Home. They let you build your own rooms, and devs can build their own portals into their games, but basically Home sucked, so they replaced it with LBP, and your Sony-branded avatars are the Sackboys.

"I'm positively thrilled to see such unyielding dedication to creating a new generation of fat-hating, heteronormative assholes."

Curious to see what's coming up.

Wii's online may not be a problem for Nintendo now, but it will be five years from now. Look at Sony, scrambling to catch up to Live's functionality. Nintendo's going to have the same problem tenfold when they finally decide to stick their nose into the online space in any sort of serious way.

If the 2GB save file is true, I'm definitely not getting this. I don't have 2GB free on my 20GB HD. Frankly, the Star Wars tie ins have really soured me on the game, but even still - I loved the original SC, but I'm not buying a new HD for the game.

Well, look - at least he doesn't slather on the makeup like a c**t

I *hated* the article. First, you've got someone who's basically portraying her husband as a completely inept, unaware buffoon, and herself as a shrieking, whining harpy. I can't even *tell* if it's supposed to be satire or not, but holy god, I wish it was.

@ImmortalZ: Oh, holy crap. I'm sorry.