
The last part of DAI was massively disappointing. Like all the build up was there, and a bunch of hints were laid, and then the payoff was just so unsatisfying.

Khan Academy is an amazing place. The question I submitted was "Why is it dark at night?" because I love the answer to it, but one of the other questions I considered was "How big is the universe?" It has one of the most mind blowing answers I've ever learned. I mean, we all know it's F*CKING HUGE, but if you can get

In this day and age, ANYONE can publish a book. Just search Amazon and you will see some of the self-published trash there. I am confident that good authors will be read, regardless of their level of tan.

"should also try to inform readers about sites, places and people that do a good job of setting aside the bias of going with the best-selling author and provide access to the best authors, regardless of their particular slice of the demographic pie"

Exactly. I would suspect that most readers do exactly this.

I agree. Feminism and (for lack of a better phrase) anti-racism is about bringing the traditionally oppressed groups 'up' to where white men are, by changing things so that they are paid equally, given equal opportunities, etc. It is about bringing people up. By intentionally not reading books by white male

I've linked the definition of racism here for you, Saladin:

I never studied any formal school of meditation, but began experimenting with it and stumbling my way through it at a young age.

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Everything I need to know about meditation I've learned from Aang and Guru Pathik.

I am pretty sure that is actually on the Storm Coast in Ferelden

When I was scrolling down the front page I saw this photo and thought "What the hell are they wearing in Final Fantasy now?"

I knew another photog who followed rail-hoppers one summer, he had amazing stories. He said they were on one cargo train that takes a route through a tunnel deep in a mountain somewhere, must have been the Rockies. Apparently the tunnel is for cargo-trains only, as it is not ventilated—anyone riding the train must be

No don't be dumb. Technologies overlap, robbing people on in the ocean never went out of style, The Soviet union doesn't exists anymore, Russia is sort of bobbing along, but it's a sizable chunk of the globe, so stuff will always been happening there, caliphates and crusaders have been hanging out int he middle east

These pictures are great. The little hipster douches that train hop, however, spare me. Met a group of these people in New Orleans one time. Without fail, every single one of them was from a well-off, upper middle class household that was just roughing it for kicks. Like, they thought dumpster diving was good fun and

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I think it was a well-made fan film, but, honestly, it's a hilariously bad Power Rangers film.

This says it all...