
So much this. The article sounded like something Piper, or Spider Jerusalem would say, i.e. a journalist’s delusion about “the truth”.

Taught me to decide for myself what I want life’s purpose to be, rather than just accepting the obvious path in front of me.

After reading this, I stand corrected.

Honestly don’t have personal experience with this one, but can’t the fingerprint hash be acquired and then just reused anywhere a fingerprint verrification would be required?

Obligatory rebuttal: xkcd is dead wrong on this. The math falls to pieces when you take a basic dictionary attack into account. What this article is suggesting is using uncommon words that are highly unlike to be included in a dictionary attack. Or, even better, nonsense words that you’ll actually remember.

Nowhere Men! It’s not “new” in that they’ve finished a trade paperback already, but it’s good stuff!

Enjoyed the hell out of Smite back in beta, and I just started playing again after about a year's absence. Still just as much fun as I remember it. The 3rd person view makes it the only MOBA currently out that I care for, and the community isn't nearly as terrible as LoL.

Though I admit, I don't go into league games

I heard there was a leak of a future PC release over on Amazon France (heard about it via reddit)...these articles are really damaging my ability to wait and not impulse buy a PS4 for one game.

End-game throwdown in the Black City is what I was expecting too, all the lore and theme progression throughout the games seemed to be building to that. It could have been almost like the end of DA: O, some big assualt of inquisition forces vs. darkspawn in the Black City and then one final fight against the big man

I felt like my Inquisitor was fairly unimportant too. Other than the glowy hand bit, it felt like I should have just been along for the ride. "Wait you're making ME the leader? Why?" "because of your leadership!" ...except that all the NPCs were making great arguments from competing POVs, and then arbitrarily saying

I really want to play Bloodborne, but no way am I dropping the money on a PS4 *just* for that. As it is I only ever bought a PS3 for Darksouls I/II and Dragon's Dogma. I'll wait and hope it comes out for PC eventually.

That's what some of my players have suggested, and I've got experienced running a game over Skype (for several years) but it was for someone who had a block of time available to set aside. I'd be more than happy to run a game like that again, but when people are busy with kids or out visiting so-and-so's relatives, it

If only I had the time for it. Trying to get a group of 6 working adults (most of whom are married, some with kids) in one place at one time is hard enough for our *maybe* once every 2 month D&D sessions. A lot of them want to play Shadowrun too, and as the resident GM I'm willing to write/prepare the content (and hot

An explanation of what the hell logarithms actually are, from the comments section of a lesson at No teacher in high school, or professor in college, ever explained what the hell a log() was. It took some random person on the internet to finally teach me what the point of this seemingly

Alright, these comments are getting absurd...TL;DR The human members matter a lot more if they have some sort of impact. Otherwise, it's like the annoying humans in the old Transformers cartoons - get out of the way so we can watch the robots, damn it.

I feel like this is the third time I've seen this on Kotaku alone.

How about we just...stop remaking everything? I feel like the past decade has been nothing but the pimping out of my childhood. Ghost Busters, Ninja Turtles, Transformers...that stuff was great at the time it was made. We're going to end up with virtually nothing to look back on in this 10-15 year span.

One thing Berri fails to see in these scenarios, is that technology often benefits only those who can afford it. If you have a pre-existing extractive society the primary beneficiaries of it will likely be the ones investing in, and then reaping the rewards of, the new technology.

Examples from today are easy: how

Article just posted yesterday on ArsTechnica (a site that shows a great deal of respect for EFF) that shows there can be some major problems with #4. Unfortunately, discoveries of HTTPS exploits like this are fairly common. It can help when implemented well, but widespread poor implementation just leads to a false

I have to agree. Assuming they avoid the pitfalls you mention, it may be safer than a non-HTTPS site, but HTTPS still isn't that tough of an encryption by any realistic standards.