
Honestly Janice why bother? Don't be a sore winner, Trump is in the White House, and he is not going anywhere. These are the same people who were gunning for him to win the primaries because they thought he would be the easiest to beat in the general election; they will never recover from the shock of losing because

That's true. though there's something funny about her suddenly having no power or influence and not getting any of the attention and flattery she was used to. Even Andrew has lost interest.

towards the end Selina's open disgust as the boards that plane, that was my LOL moment.
and Mike's look of resignation when he sees his daughter painting the couch.

It is a great show. I have a new appreciation for shows like Veep that are able to run convincing and captivating White House plot lines. At the end of 21 grim episodes of Designated Survivor the president's character was the only name I had committed to memory. I didn't care to remember anybody else

I can't believe I just finished (hate)watching another 21 episodes of Jack Bauer, only this time Bauer won't even lift a finger he's too busy basking in the glory of a perfect white house administration, sweet perfect staff and a perfect wife. Never again. I'm so underwhelmed I might just need to go and dig into my

I agree with and respect your calm response Max Williamson. Don't be bullied by people who are threatened by independent thinkers. And why would someone want to inject inflammatory political commentary on a forum discussing fiction? Does every social media platform now have to be so hostile?

Thank you Cheryl. Sore losers get on my nerves. Just shut up already. It's Trump's America now. Get a life. The world is sick of seeing democrats throw a neverending tantrum over losing an election. It's done!!!

It's very racist and condescending to say black people don't have IDs. Name one black person you know who doesn't have ID?

The problem is he is a boring Jack Bauer who unconvincingly plays dumb naive and innocent. I have a feeling I would have been thrilled with this show with a different character as President.

Yeah this feels like season 20 of 24 where Jack Bauer finally decides screw it it's my turn to be President.

I thought I was the only one who was having a hard time catching any other name besides Kirkman. I guess I was just not that invested

I feel the same way. Maybe I will warm up to it in the coming episodes but frankly I'd rather watch the news. Veep season 5 came back way more energized and entertaining. Scandal came back a bit flat.