
Also during this interview, Rock talks about how he's happy with his success: "Yes, it's amazing. I love being famous. It's almost like being white."

"Every inch of this creation"?

As usual, I blame Matt Lauer.

This was one of the most intelligently written reviews/critiques of anything I've ever encountered on this site, and I hope we can look forward to more.

are you a capricorn

"Who knows what "Happy Holidays" even means??"

That logo is very 1990's to me. Or perhaps, "cafe within local grocery store" signish to me.

Said it on Facebook this morning, saw it a lot in the Gawker comments - time to away with internet anonymity. No censorship, just post whatever you want to post with your first and last name next to it, linked to your Facebook account or email address. If you think it's okay to taunt a grieving 25-year-old with

Now playing

The only movie character he played that could keep up with him...

Ummmm...if I heard someone say that "abortion has become so easy," I'd probably pounce on their ass too. Easy for whom, exactly?

omg, I love your org and I LOVE HIS FACE!!!!

I think Secretary had acting in it. This just looks appalling.

The book is called 'The Mockingbird Next Door' see, because it's about a lady who wrote a book with the word Mockingbird in the title and she was next door.

From your lips to God's ear. Those are the two episodes of 30 Rock I refuse to delete from the dvr.

Dear Katherine,

Right. Whether a woman can "have it all" depends on what you think "having it all" means. Indra Nooyi's daughter might be hurt now about her mother not being able to go to coffee hour at school, but I'd like to think that when she's older, she'll realize how badass it was that her mom was the CEO of a Fortune 500

When I saw this segment today I rolled my eyes so hard I almost fell off my couch ...