Rebecca Rose is my spirit animal. Thank you.
"Happy what the terrorists say. Merry Christmas, from Jack and Avery." I think that about sums it up. Are we sure that Captain Kirk Cameron doesn't believe HE is Mary's Big Squirt? There is already christmas shit in stores everywhere, so I consider THIS just one more lovely present to tuck underneath my…
It reminds me of something that Christina Applegate's character would have sewn onto those fashion uniforms in Don't Tell Mom, the Babysitter's Dead.
dumbest click bait ever. Dumbest story ever. Waste of real estate on Jez
Easy for white dudes.
Awww thanks so much!! Getting to talk to Andrew was totally one of the best days of my life..he is THE real deal. totes upon totes. ! And right "If you have a face of any kind it's the greatest gift." DEAD TEN TIMES SO DEAD!
I work for this great org, I AM THAT GIRL, and we had the privilege of profiling Andrew for our weekly interview series. Holy crap balls he is the REAL deal: kind, genuine, enthusiastic, and just awesomeness personified. Ladykind is lucky to have him on our side:…
Underwear is fitting for the Beebs. He's been soiling the world with his crappy music for years. Plus, that weed isn't going to buy itself....
I still feel bad for that apple pie. Talk about taking one for the team. Oof.
Oh that makes me SO HAPPY! I really loved him and that character. Sometimes I'll be going somewhere with my husband and I'll just have the urge to be all "I KNOW you said it." :) 30Rock4EVA!
HA!! I loved the Queen of Jordan meta-shows...though, i would have given D'Fwan his own show first :)
It's her way, till pay day! Maybe now Queen of Jordan will be a thing!
It should have been YOU, Izzy. Not Denny.
Is this fiction? This seems like a great soon-to-be vehicle produced by Harvey Weinstein and starring Giovanni Ribisi, Johnny Depp, and Ben Stiller. Penelope Cruz will play the sultry, knocked-up Eurasian woman....Also: travel agents are still a thing?
I'm a writer and I do have an ass. I have it on some authority—manpanion, bar strangers, shady dude sitting close to me at Starbucks—that my ass is kind of nice. I'm worried, though. I have yet to publish my great American novel or even get Vanity Fair to answer my many, many emails. Is my fine ass the thing holding…'re likely right. Touched a nerve and I probably over-reacted. Either way, no one's inviting the TSA to prom any time soon :)
This is actually one of the many indignities people with disabilities often endure when they fly. They are looking for anything under his chair/seat. My brother is a wheelchair user and has been prodded and groped around like this many times. So, cheap laughs, Jez over something that is pretty douchey and obnoxious…
That's exactly it in a nutshell. I have narrowly escaped more than one Liz Lemon-esque eye-roll related injury over the past years when articles would pop up his classes and then teaching and supposedly flying across the country to attend one program or another. Give me a break. Not possible. Sadly, those institutions…
Me to the FrancNO